After a few minutes of looking at his profile I found the address and actually heard Tegan whimper next to me. I smiled at her lightly before getting up and getting a piece of paper to write the address on.

I looked at Tom who smiled as he came back into the room. "You have the tickets, get packed and leave in the next fifth teen minutes to make the flight. I really hope that you guys find her." He said, patting Tegan and I on the shoulder. I smiled at him as Tegan left to go pack.


30 minutes later we were on the plane and headed towards Ohio. I could tell that Tegan was nervous because she kept tapping the armrest with her fingers and rocking her leg.

I took her hand in mine as I started to get annoyed by her finger tapping and felt her jump. "Tegan we're gonna find her. Don't worry." I said as I felt her relax. "What if she doesn't want me back?" She asked with a hint of fear in her voice.

"Tegan she's going to want you back because she loves you." I said softly, watching her nod her head before looking out of the window. I knew that she was at a vulnerable state right now so I was going to have to handle a lot of things.

After a few more minutes I sighed as I felt myself grow tired. The flight wouldn't be landing for awhile so I decided to get some sleep before we landed.

(Tegan's P.O.V)

You have no idea how excited I was when Sara told me that she had found Alex's address. It felt like all of the sorrow had just disappeared. Right now I was staring out of the plane window as we flew to Ohio. I was so anxious that I couldn't sit still and had to start tapping my fingers on the armrest again when Sara fell asleep.

After a few more hours I sighed as the plane finally landed and we were let out into the airport. We walked out into the mild air and hailed a taxi. After we were seated we told the man the address and he nodded and started to run the meter. It was a short drive and soon we were let out in front of a large white house that looked to be two stories high with an attic. The house looked well kept as did the yard.

I took a deep breath as we walked up the old porch steps and knocked on the large red door. After several minutes the door flew open to reveal Alex's mother with a glare on her face. She probably wasn't expecting anyone at ten in the morning....

"Can I help you?" She asked coldly. "Um... I'm Tegan Quin and this is my sister Sara Quin... We met at the hospital.." I said as I grew nervous. She wasn't even my mom and I began to feel like a scared child. "Oh, you're Alexandra's ex-girlfriend?" She asked, removing the cooking apron from around her waist. "Y-yes ma'am." I answered as Sara shifted uncomfortably next to me. "I was just wondering if she was here..." I said as I felt the cold air hit my exposed arms. I should have brought a jacket.


"Alex, your daughter..."

"I don't have a daughter." She answered as I looked at her filled with confusion. "What do you mean? You're her mom, Mrs. Woods" I answered as she glared at me. "What is it with the younger generation disrespecting the older people?! I told you, she's NOT my daughter! Now get the hell off of my property before I call the police!" She yelled before slamming the door in our faces.

I stood there shocked as the information set in. What did she mean she didn't have a daughter? Alex looked somewhat like her!

We started to walk back towards our luggage by the curb when a black car pulled into the driveway. "Tegan! Sara!" The man yelled as he hurriedly got out of the car and ran over to us. I smiled as I recognized him as Alex's father. "Hello Mr. Woods." I said as he smiled and hugged us both. "Hello girls! I never thought I'd see you guys again! How have you been? Does Alex know you're here?" He asked in a hurry.

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