The Accident

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Kate's P.O.V.

It all started when my family decided to eat out for dinner.

We were hella broke, so we didn't go out very often. If that makes any sense.

It was a snowy night. Blowing around more than a prostitute AU fan fiction, but we didn't mind it. It was Denver, it happens all the time.

 The roads were icy, the air was frigid, the heater was broken, but we were on our merry way to Denny's to celebrate me winning my first bout. 

 It started snowing a little harder.

We continued to sing along to the radio. 

Man, we were really bad singers. 

 We finally took notice of the snow when the National Weather Station came on telling the area to seek shelter immediately.

 Shame, right? 

We tried desperately to pull off onto an empty exit, but our car started sliding out of control. 

You know those stories where the hero is about to die or something, and everything seems to slow down?

That didn't happen.

Well, not really anyways. I can remember it in slow motion, but that's not how it happened. 

It was fast. Everything happened so fucking fast. 

We saw the exit. We were all laughing nervously, worrying about the snow, and each other. But we had still assumed that we would all live. That we were just panicking, and that everything was going to be fine.

That's what we thought.  

The last thing I remember from that night is my parents screaming, and my brother who had been asleep previously, waking up in confusion.

Me trying to throw my self in front of him to keep him safe, but forgetting that I had my seat belt on.

The emergency lock was working on mine.

It apparently wasn't on my brothers. 

The airbags got blown up. 

My brother started screaming. 

I reached out to take his hand, to give him false security's.

The momentum of the car kept it turning. I slammed my head into the window. Twice. 

I saw the rock. Huge. Very typical up in the mountains. Weren't we in the city? Maybe it was a statue. 

And then, I didn't see it. 

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