An Arranged Marrige to a pervert who's hot

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As I walked to class, I saw Mike Geraint, with his shirt off and a sexy 6 pack, he walked over to me with a box in his hand, and in the box was a rose painted on the edges with mixtures of tinted purple it was beautiful, when my hand reached for the flower it started to dissolve and a new picture was in front of me. I was in the classroom, and my teacher was in front of me, all I could hear was a slam on my desk and my eyes were wide open now. "Well Jennifer it was nice of you to join us, as I was explaining how to do this problem, could you do it?" he asked and gave me a piece of chalk, and I looked up at the board and, the problem was easy and I wanted him to know that, so he can see that everything we are learning in this class was causing me to sleep. See I have a history of being the center of attention, but in a bad way, I was considered one of the well respected kids in Duke University. I snatched the chalk out of his hand and walked up to the board and did the problem in 2 minutes and sat down in my chair and I heard comments from the back of the room "Way to go Jen!", when I returned to my seat my teacher was looking at me in awed, with his mouth wide open, of course the only reason I made it into this school was sports, I was a center forward in the basketball team here at Duke, so when it comes to classes I'm totally tired and well, I fall asleep.

Just as I smile at the teacher the bell's irritating sound sending me off to get changed for basketball practice after school, when the school's pervert walked up behind me and placed his arm over my shoulder, "Hey Mike" I said without looking at him and he laughed, I could tell who and what was touching me at all times, I had this skill with Mike and it irritated the hell out of him, but this time he laughed at me and stood in front of me. He looked so hot in what he was wearing that I almost stared at him, but I didn't I looked behind me and the back at him, "What do you want Mike?" I asked and he shook his head and had a cocky smile on his face, making me want to slap him in the face. "I want you baby" he said taking a step toward me, and I held my ground, "Oh really" I said and he nodded taking another step toward me and I leaned in on him and wrapped my arms around his neck, and he smiled wider, and I leaned in on his neck to his ear, "Well to bad" I said releasing my grip around his neck and walked away from him laughing. "Ah you taunt me Mamacita" he said in his Spanish accent, or at least a stupid one. I walked into the locker room to see my best friend Kristen and when she saw me she walked up to me and we did our handshake: Double pound Explosion Kiss on finger And then touch our butts making sizzling sounds

"Hey Jennifer, I heard you dozed off in class today and then showed out Mr. White" she said and laughed and I sighed, he's always teaching some boring lesson and then when I fall asleep he wakes me up ad expect that I have nothing to do with what's going on" I said getting dressed. After getting ready me and Kristen did our ten laps around the gym and started t stretch when the coach came in looking for somebody, when his eyes laid on me he walked over. "Hey Coach" I said putting my arm behind my head for ten seconds "What's up?" I asked and he smiled at me "Still sleeping in class Jen" he said and I sighed, "I do my work" I exclaimed and he laughed at me "Your mother just called me, since she could reach you on her cell, for some reason, and your excused from this practice, go on home" he said and I nodded "Ok coach" I said and gave him a salute, before giving Kristen a hug. She giggled and the coach sighed and walked away laughing. I ran into the locker room and looked at my cell. YIKES my mom had sent me 23 messages; gosh doesn't she know that I actually have a life. I got changed and headed home, wanting to know what she needed so bad that I had to miss basketball practice. When I had turned the corner and went up the driveway I saw 2 cars that didn't belong to my mom or my dad in the driveway, and that made me have to park near the curb. When I closed my door my mother immediately came out of the house taking me to the back "Mom what are you doing?" I asked and she shushed me "I have guest here and I want you to look your best, and no being snappy no matter what we say" she replied and then continued "I have a dress on your bed, go take a shower and put that on and I'll help you fix your hair" my mom said, these must be some really important people. My mom unlocked the back door and pushed me up the stairs before ever getting seen, when I got up stairs I saw the most beautiful green and white dress lying on my bed and then there was some white heels that were extremely cute, I got right to work. After taking a shower my mother was already in my room, doing my hair as I got dressed, when she finished she gave me a mirror, and I looked gorgeous! I gave mom a hug "Now wait 2 minutes before coming downstairs, I want you to walk down slowly so you won't fall down the stairs" she ordered me to do and of course I had to obey. My mom went down stairs and I literally looked at my phone before walking down the stairs slowly when the room became silent and I blushed and when I looked up I could not believe who was sitting there!

An Arranged Marrige to a pervert who's hotWhere stories live. Discover now