1 | Honor Students

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Okay, lets get right into this

*groan* Honor Students.

Now, I have nothing against Honor Students! In fact, I kinda look up to them. But in the World of OHSHC, most honor students can't get into this academy! Why you ask? Well, it's simple!

Manga readers already understand why I'm bringing this up, but for the Anime Only fans, I'll have to explain this for you.

There can only be one Honor Student per grade. There's already one for First years, so this one's already off the list. There can't be one for Second years, because they will either get expelled because Kyouya holds the top, or Kyouya will go through Hell because his father will be upset that a, "Commoner," took his throne at the top. That leaves only one more, and that's for Third years. Obviously Hani will be fine if his spot is taken, he'd probably congratulate the Honor Student whom took it! But, nobody wants to make an OC who's a Third year! And besides, there's no point in moving schools on your last year of highschool. You'd be better off staying in the school you're at now!

If you guys find a story where the Honor Student is a Third year, send me a link and I will be internally thankful

Alright, that's enough on this topic. I'll see you guys next time.

Also, shameless plugin here. I have an OHSHC series where I attempt to turn cliche topics into more realistic topics. If you like angst and all that jazz, ( ya like jazz? ) then you'd probably like it.


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