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The Calls Of An Omega

Ella Brown

All Rights Reserved, ®, and Copyright, ©, 2012



The Alpha sat at his desk, his hands fiddling with a feather, thinking over the decision he had chosen. A small voice etched in his brain kept repeating those three little words.

Don't do it.

He growled at the voice, trying with all his will to remove the thought from his brain. This has to be done; he thought to himself, I need to rid the pack of the weak.

A knock at the door converted his thoughts.

"Come in."

The large wooden frame slowly creaked open and the Alpha's pack best fighter entered. The Man stood up tall and proud in front of his Alpha, but his features betrayed him. His bright green eyes looked lifeless and where rimmed with dark circles.

"Are we going to continue the exile?" the Man asked

He stared into the eyes of his Alpha, and childhood friend, willing to believe that he would change his mind; let her stay. But the Alpha had thought long and hard about this decision, and had already made up his mind.

"They leave in a weeks' time," said the Alpha, his voice was cold and hard as he stared blankly at his former best friend, leaving no room for an argument.

The Man nodded in understanding and left back to his bedroom when the Alpha dismissed him. He closed his door, sliding down the dark wood and for the second time in his life, cried for his best friend, his family, his love, his whole life.

The sound proof walls engulfed him as he cried for his soul-mate.


When the Man had collected himself he left the pack house in the middle of the night. He moved quickly and quietly towards the woods, a small velvet blue box in his hand. He shifted when he reached the border of the trees, his clothes disappearing as dark brown fur sprouted from his skin, large paws replaced his hands and feet, and the small box fell to the ground. Once he had shifted he grabbed the box, nestled in the grass and made haste for her room.

As the Man started his journey he couldn't help his thoughts as they drifted to the Alpha's words. It wasn't right of him to exile the weaker wolves from the pack. It wasn't fair to them.

They are still wolves, he thought, why can't he see that they are our equals?

His senses where heightened in his wolf form; he could hear, see and smell a hundred times better. The darkness of the night surrounded the forest, and a human would have been difficult to make his way through; but not a wolf. The little light that lit the forest was enough for the Man and he soared through the forest, jumping over broken trees and dodging bushes.

The Man made it to a small clearing in the forest where she lived. He would barley call it a house. It was a small room that was made out of fallen trees. The house was open for all to enter. She would never be safe here, he thought. The full moon's light lit up the area and house, the only man made source of energy was the small lantern she had in the room; which was still burning.

She's here, the Man smiled.

Dropping the small box in his mouth, the Man quickly shifted, the clothes he wore never left his human. He started to walk inside, the box in hand, and looked around. His eyes scanned over the used mattress in the corner, where the best wall was built. A small figure was covered up in blankets that the Man had supplied, and a head rested on a pillow.

She shouldn't be sleeping here. She should be treated like the Queen.

He removed his shirt and dirty shorts, so that all he was left in was his boxers. He blew the fire out and walked over to the bed. He put the box under his pillow and climbed in next to his mate. She instinctively moved into his body and he wrapped his arms around her.

"I didn't think you would come," she whispered.

His arms tightened around her and he nestled his face into the crook of her neck, breathing in her unique and sweet smell of honey and rain.

"Of course I would come," he murmured against her skin.

She could fell his canines graze the skin where he was to mark her, if he ever would mark her.

"Don't mark me, Andy. Don't risk it," she warned.

He could hear the hurt and pain in her voice and he wanted nothing more than to take it away.

"I would risk anything for you Blue. I would -"

"Your better to me alive then dead," she cut Andy off, her voice shaking with each word.

There was a silence in the room; besides the rhythm of their heart beat, beating in sync. But Blue's voice broke the silence.

"Word travels fast," she whispered.

Andy spun Blue around so that she was now facing him. Her bright blue eyes where rimmed red and her light brown hair were falling out of her braid, into her face.

Andy choked back tears as he brought his hand up to wipe the wetness from her eyes.

"I'm not going to let you die. I will find you," he promised.

Blue nodded her head, "I believe you."

And she did. She believed Andy's every word. She knew that he would go to the ends of the earth to keep her safe. She knew that Andy would always be there.

"I'll follow your scent," he continued as his hand moved under his pillow to retrieve the small velvet blue box.

Andy took a long deep breath in, the sweet scent of his mate having a calming effect on him as his shaky hands opened the small box.

"This is for you."

His hands brought out a beautiful gold necklace with a topaz pendant, "It will help protect you from everything evil, and help me to find you. It will help with your strength, so you can talk to me through our link whenever you need to."

Tears started to fall from Blue's eyes as Andy clasped the necklace around his mate's neck. He kissed away the small tears on her cheeks then he kissed her lips.

"No matter where you are," he spoke against her, "I will always find you."

He wrapped his arms around her skinny frame and she rested her head on his chest.

"I love you, Andy," she whispered.

"I love you more, Bluebell."

He placed a last gentle kiss on her forehead and they fell asleep in each others are, to the sound of their hearts lullaby.

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