Your Own Character

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     I would start with my main original character, or oc, for the fanfic. The character who's pov (point of view) is first, or your favorite character, or the character that has the most chapters in their pov. You can choose. Remember this is only a guide, you don't have to do exactly what I say.
     I started with making my character, chose it's gender, named him, chose his rank, chose his clan, chose his family members, then described his physical appearance. Here's how it would go in my character notebook thing:

Bio: 1 Page: 1 Icestar        Page: 1
Icekit, Icepaw, Iceflame, Icestar.
Father: Rainstorm
Mother: Leafpelt
Brother: Lakeheart
Sister: Grasstail
Mate: Hailshine
Daughters: Snowypelt & Voleclaw
Apprentices: Moonshadow & Lionfang
Mentor: Thistlepelt
Deputy: Redfeather
Medicicine cat: Ashfoot
White tabby tom, light gray stripes. Scar on left eye, across muzzle, and along flank. Left ear is torn. Bright, clear, icy, blue eyes.

If you're wondering why it says "Page: 1" twice, the first one is the number of pages for that bio (character description), and the second one is the number of pages so far in the notebook itself. I make everything look nice I can't help it ;). I put down the names the character has had so far, but not future names. I only put deputy and medicine cat lists for leaders. After that, I just go down the list, making bios about the other cats listed In the first one, and then branch off from there. It can be boring and unmotivational, but I like to do it that way.
     Your character is going to need a personality, as well. But I'll get to that in a different part. For now, please be patient I will update this as much as I can. (Tuesday 7/3/17 23:01)

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