I'll be back...(Moana's POV)

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The whole village was down at the village to watch me depart Moutoniu. Kai had begged to come with me so I let him. But Maui is staying.

Kai and I loaded up fruit and food into the hatch where Hei Hei usually hid. But we locked him up so he couldn't come.

"Moana. Let me and Rosie come. We can help. You need us!" Maui pleaded.

"Maui, you and Rosie need to stay here for to help my mom with the village." I said.

"Moana!" He whined.

"I am Moana of Moutoniu. You will NOT board my boat, an you WILL NOT sail across the sea to restore the heart of Te Fiti." I said crossing my arms.

"Fine. Be safe?" He asked.

"Always." I said. 

I hugged him and he hugged me back. I said goodbye to Rosie.

"Good bye Moana. May good fortune travel with you." She said bowing her head slightly. 

I nodded.

"Thank you Rosie. Take care if Montonui for me." I said.

"I will." She said.

Then I went to say goodbye to my Mom.

"Goodbye Moana. I love you. Be safe." She said tearing up.

"Goodbye Mom. I love you to. I will be safe." I said. 

We hugged. I walked to the boat. It was the same one Maui and I had said to Te Fiti on. 

I looked at Montonui. I felt more hesitant to leave this time. Seeing I was the chief. 

I saw Maui and Kai out the corner of my eye.

"She'll be safe with me." Kai said.

Maui looked at me and sighed.

"She better be." He said shaking Kai's hand.

Kai siad farewell to his parents and hopped on.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Always." I siad. 

I pulled the sail and we were off.

"I'll be back!" I called to everyone.

Hopefully... I thought.

Now and forever I shall love you: Moana x Maui •Finished•Where stories live. Discover now