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Mika's table was in the left corner of the lunchroom, up against the wall, and   five people you recognized from earlier.

The purple haired girl was laughing at something so hard she was hitting the table and snorting, while the blonde girl with pigtails was trying to suppress giggles herself.

Mika nodded towards the purple-haired girl. She was wearing her hair up into a ponytail, one of the strands in the back braided, a few messy strands hanging down in the front, and bangs. Overall it was a strange, complex hairstyle you didn't quite understand.
She turned, and waved. "Shinoa Hiragi."
"I'm Mitsuba." The blond girl piped up.
The pink haired guy sighed. "I'm Kimizuki."
The brown-haired boy mumbled something in a small voice, then repeated it. "M-My name is Yoichi."
The only one left was Yuu, who didn't even bother to introduce himself, just flick his wrist in a half-wave and continue chewing his gum. The boy looked half-dead, and you seriously doubted he slept at all last night, but it was probably something to do with being on the internet. Yuu was resting his head against his palm and had one earbud in his ear.
Mika gestured towards the table as he sat down, and you took a seat across from him.
"(Name)," you quietly introduced, and Shinoa waggled her eyebrows.
"You have some type of love triangle going on, (Name)?"
You flushed a little red. They must have  all seen the whole Ethan and Mika scenario just a few moments ago.

Shinoa raised her eyebrows at your reaction. "You didn't deny it right away... the plot thickens..."
You quickly raised up your hands, waving them. "I-it's nothing like that," you said, stuttering, and Shinoa chuckled.
"You're reminding me of Yoichi."

Yuu rolled his eyes. "Do you have to bring him into everything?"

Shinoa shrugged, then leaned closer to you. "So, I bet Mika's a great romantic. He seems like the type."

Your cheeks flushed red, and Mika's turned a lovely shade of pink as well, though he tried to hide it, holding up a hand to cover up a part of his face.
"Stop it, Shinoa." He mumbled. "You're making... (Name) uncomfortable."

Shinoa swooned. "All you care about is the well-being of your princess! How roman-"

Mitsuba clapped a hand over Shinoa's mouth, giggling and rolling her eyes.
"That's enough," the blonde girl said sternly, and Shinoa sighed.

"Fine, fine."

Kimizuki took a bite of a rice ball from his lunch, then looked over at Mika curiously. "Do you have practice again with Yuu today, Mika?"

Mika fiddled with his hands uncomfortably, and your eyes were drawn to his messy blond hair.

I bet it would be so soft to the touch, warm too...
You mentally shook yourself back to paying attention to the conversation.

"...You're an athlete, Mika?" You asked, genuinely curious.

Mika looked even more uncomfortable, barely looking up, his eyes halfway closed, and it suddenly occurred to you how long his lashes were.

"Not... Exactly..." Mika mumbled, and Yuu moved for the first time since lunch started, removing his earbud.

"He plays the violin. I'm his accompanist, sometimes. Piano."

You tilted your head. "Doesn't this school have some type of music class? Are you two in that?"

Mika looked down at his lap. "It's a band, they don't allow string instruments, and we transferred to this school too late in the program to learn from the beginning how to play something else."

Yuu's frown tilted upwards a bit. "We gather in the school library sometimes after school. The librarian there closes up at the last bell, but still stays after to deal with paperwork or whatever librarians do. She agreed to let us play sometimes."

Mika nodded. "She actually seems to enjoy it when we stay after."

The table lapsed into silence, Shinoa tapping away at her phone, Yoichi with his small face full of food, until eventually a conversation started up again, but you were far away, gazing at Mikaela, thoughts churning.

Mika glanced at his thin silver watch, flicking his gaze up towards the lunch line, which closed down fifteen minutes before the lunch hour ended.

"Aren't you going to get something?"

You blinked out of your daze. "I-I'm not hungry... I had a big breakfast." The little lie settled into your empty stomach like a lead weight.

Mika looked concerned, and this made you feel a little bit worse.
"You should make sure you're eating enough... Take care of yourself more," he said, firmly this time, and you fidgeted.

"You're not getting any food, either..." You pointed out, and the blonde frowned.
"The food here isn't to... my tastes," he said, and you let out a short laugh.

"What were you expecting? Caviar and wine?" You asked quietly, biting your lip to keep from smiling too wide.

Mika smiled, that smile of his where his lips only tilted up a little, where the real smile was in his eyes, how they crinkled at the edges and seemed to be lit up from within.

It made you want to melt.

Okay, I'm getting ahead of myself here. I've only known him for two days, I shouldn't be fawning over this boy yet...

Mika looked away again. "So... uh..."
He fiddled with his watch, spinning it around on his wrist.
"Would you be... interested in maybe... coming to watch me... practice, sometime?"

Something like A Tragedy (Modern Mika X Abused Reader)Where stories live. Discover now