It's Been Three Years (A Resident Evil 7 AU)

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AN: So I adored the new Resident Evil. When Matt and Stephanie started playing it I got this crazy idea to do an AU with them in it. It was officially on when the chat started asking Matthew if he would go through with it if it was Stephanie he needed to save. This is how he would handle it.:) (WARNING: Violence and Gore ahead)

Matthew could barely feel anything else but anxiety and hope as his car sped down the highway. Three years. Three years of desperate search parties, dead ends and the constant fear of what could have happened, only to finally find out now. His phone started to ring.

"Hey Matt, where are you?" Jason asked on the other line. "You just sort of disappeared the other night."

"Yeah, yeah. No I'm good, I'm good." Matt reassured licking his lips. He took a deep breath before continuing. "Jason, it's Stephanie." His voice came out shaky and hopeful. He quickly continued, "She's not dead, she alive. She's back."

Saying it aloud struck something within him. For these past three years he had been stuck in limbo. Not knowing if she was alive or dead. He never accepted either option. She was missing, and a part of him went missing with her.

"They found her?" Jason asked surprised, "How? What happened?"

"I don't know how but, she's back. She's back somehow." Matt gripped the steering wheel as he turned in deeper into the swampy marsh. "Maybe it's a prank? I don't know. She wants me to come get her."

"Mathew," Jason said softly, evaluating his words, "it's been three years."

"I know but what if it's her? I have to find out what happened."


Matt trudged his way through the over growth trying desperately to get to the house. He wasn't sure why, but he felt severely uneasy. Why was Stephanie way out here in the first place? What happened? Did someone take her?

These were all question that could wait. He needed to get to his Stephanie. He saw the beat down and weather worn house in the distance and made his way to it. The door was open and he stepped inside.

"Hello?" He called out softly. Only a slight echo of his voice was heard and the creeks and groans of the wood. He stepped in, minding his footing. "She has to be here, I can feel it."

He slowly made his way into the old, wooden house, looking for any signs of Stephanie. A piece of hair, clothing, maybe even a shoe. Every where he looked, nothing. The walls were torn to shreds, picture frames strewn across the room.

"Oh it's so dark." He groaned as he slowly made his way into what he presumed to be the living room, his arms outstretched. His heart sped up, the fear creeping up through his chest. Maybe he should go back, call for help? But then he remembered what everyone said to him the past three years.

"You have to let her go Matt."

"It's been three years! You should be dating someone else."

"There are several women who would love to get with you. Forget Stephanie..."

No. He could never forget her. He would always stay true to her. Sure, he had been lonely, living by himself. He stopped working on the channel for almost a year and a half afterwards. Even with all the support and well wishes, he couldn't forget his Stephanie. He felt empty without her, and some how he knew, she was still out there going through who knew what.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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