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"Hey Esmraldia, where have you been?" I sauntered back into the Gryffindor common room after I had been to Dumbledore's office, to see Isobel sitting by the fire

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"Hey Esmraldia, where have you been?" I sauntered back into the Gryffindor common room after I had been to Dumbledore's office, to see Isobel sitting by the fire.

"Um... I... left my bag in the classroom." I replied, hoping she would believe me.

She didn't.

"We just had Care of Magical Creatures, we have that class outside..." She stared at me suspiously. I gulped.

If I may say so myself, I am probably the worst liar in all the seven seas.

"Sorry, I meant forest! I'm so tired my brain isn't working properly." I managed to fake laugh and made my way up the stairs towards the girls dormitories as quickly as I could.

Once I had entered the dormitory, I found Jessica sound asleep on the bed, which was surprising since she never feels tired.


With a flick of my wand, a transparent barrier had formed around her bed, enabling me to rummage around.

I gathered my notes and textbooks, then hurried out the dormitory.

I expected Isobel to be sitting in the common room like she was when I left her, but she wasn't.


I pushed the thought out of my head and headed out the common room, remembering what Cedric said the first day in the library about asking Professor Snape for ingredients.


Cedric's POV

I was making my way down the empty corridors towards the library where I would meet Esmraldia to go and talk to Snape, but when I turned a corner I heard a noise.

It echoed throughout the hallway and I immediately froze in my tracks.

I heard the clicking noise again and whipped around, only to see the dark corridor illuminated by a couple of fire torches.

"W–who's there?" I said confidently.

Inside I was, I admit it, scared. Not terrified, but scared.

Another clicking noise came from behind me. I instantly turned around and jumped back when there, right in front of me, was a dark hooded figure.

It raised its hand that held its wand.

I immediately reached for mine but in a flash I fell to the ground.

The last thing I saw was a mark. A mark that consisted of a skull and a serpent.

Until everything went black.

TANGLED TIDES ○ CEDRIC DIGGORYWhere stories live. Discover now