Part One

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Annabeth loved the way Percy smiled. She loved his sea-green eyes and his messy dark hair. It was dinner time and she sat at the Athena table staring at him. He was poking at his mash potatoes when someone yelled in her ear.

"Annabeth! Earth to Annabeth!" yelled her half-sister Stella. Stella had just arrived at Camp Half-Blood 2 months ago. She was very short. And very annoying.

"What?" She yelled back. "I'm busy."

"Staring at what?"


"You were staring at that guy over there." Stella said. "Do like him?"

" Well..." Annabeth stalled.

"Do you?!" I see a look in your eyes that you do!" Stella said. By that time, dinner was over and Annabeth didn't even get a chance to eat her mash potatoes and her roast beef.

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After dinner, it was time for the campfire. Everyone gathered around and offered food to their parent. Annabeth threw in a bunch of grapes. The smoke smelled of honey ham and a whole lot of other food. Annabeth loved this peaceful gathering. All the campers stayed around the campfire for about 30 minutes when Chiron broke the silence.

"Everyone up to capture the flag?" He asked. Everyone cheered. The Athena cabin was going to team up with the Ares cabin, the Apollo cabin, and the Posiedan cabin. Annabeth was excited that Percy was going to be on her team! She walked over to her siblings and they went to gather the other cabins and Percy to work out a plan. 30 minutes later, both teams gathered around the woods. The blue team (Annabeth's team) brought in their flag and placed it in the woods. The other team followed. Everyone got into position. Then the game started.

Annabeth put on her Yankees cap and raced through the woods. She wacked red team members on their heads as they ran towards the flag. Someone almost got the flag, but Annabeth chased after them. She saw that Percy and some other teammates had the other team's flag.

Chiron shouted "Game over!" Annabeth's team had won the game! The blue team hugged each other and gave high-fives.

Annbeth came up to Percy and shrieked.

"Good job!" She said and gave him a hug. Then she stepped away and blushed. Percy did too.

"You did good too!" He said.

"Thanks." Annabeth answered. Everyone went back to their cabins to go to sleep.

As Annabeth lay in bed, she couldn't stop thinking about Percy. She really liked him. From kissing him in a volcanoe to fighting the Titans side by side, she just didn't understand why he still thought of her as a friend. Annabeth sighed and went to sleep.

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In the morning, Annabeth got up, got dressed, and went to breakfast. Just as she was crossing the lawn, Percy came out of cabin

"Hey!" Percy said as he walked toward her.

"Hi Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth answered. They walked together to get breakfast. The food smelled really good as Annabeth sat down at her table. A nymph laid a bunch of pancakes in front of her.

"Yum." Annabeth said as she dug into her pancakes. She looked over at Percy. He flashed a thumbs up at her. Annabeth smiled then sighed as Percy looked away.

"Hi!" Stella shouted in her ear as she sat next to Annabeth. Annabeth groaned and muttered "Hi..." Stella wolfed down her pancakes amd drank all her orange juice.

When breakfast was done, it was time for camp activities. Annabeth went to go to bow and arrow lessons with Stella tagging along. Annabeth walked faster but Stella kept pace with her.

Stella asked, "Why d'ya keep walking fast?" Annabeth wanted to say, "To get rid of you" but she just wasn't that kind of person. Instead, she said,

"So I won't be late for lessons." She was nearing the place where she was going to learn. Annabeth gave a sigh of relief as she stepped inside.

"Hello Annabeth!" Chiron greeted her as she went to get a bow and arrow.

"Hi Chiron." She said as lessons were about to start.

She took her usual spot, the first target, as lessons began.

"Hello everyone!" Chiron said to the class. Everyone said hello back and Chiron instructed them how to hold the bow and how to shoot the arrow. Stella had a hard time and almost shot someone. The Stoll brothers were messing around and shot their arrows all around the arena. Percy was concentrating on the target. He shot his arrow and it landed on the ground. Annabeth slapped her forehead and Percy laughed getting ready to try again. Annabeth focused on the Bull's Eye and shot her arrow at the target. The arrow landed right on top and she cursed in Greek. Almost! She tried again and she got the Bull's Eye. Annabeth did a silent cheer. After 10 more tries, Chiron dismissed everyone. Annabeth hurried out the door, looking behind her to see if Stella was there. Then she ran all the way to Arts and Crafts.


Thinking of You: A Percabeth One-ShotHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin