Introduction and Quick Note

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#430 in Teen Fiction 2nd February 2015
#438 in Teen Fiction 7th February 2015
#459 in Teen Fiction 5th February 2015
#465 in Teen Fiction 1st February 2015
#554 in Teen Fiction 31st January 2015
569 in Teen Fiction 25th December 2014
#576 in Teen Fiction 27th December 2014
#583 in Teen Fiction 26th December 2014

#637 in Humour 25th November 2014
#722 in Teen Fiction 8th February 2015
#735 in Humour 15th November 2014
#767 in Humour 26th November 2014

#960 in Humour 28th October 2014

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 "Holland Clarke, supreme loser, will you marry me?"

"Yes, ultimate jerkface, I guess I have no choice."

Holland Clarke is your average, unnoticed girl. She likes it like that, is happy like and wants to keep it like that. But it's impossible for her to do just that when her year group is forced to do something that she never thought possible...get 'married' for three weeks. And, to her dismay, she is partnered with the school's most popular guy for this 'Operation Marriage', that guy being Devon Jones, a.k.a. the person she despises most.

Will it end in a happily ever after or a so called divorce? Will the two of them ever learn to actually get along with one another like civil human beings, and is Devon really as arrogant as he seems? Find out in: Operation Marriage, the commitment no teenager wants to make.

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Okay, I suck at humourous books. I don't usually write teen fiction books. I write books about sadder subjects, such as my short story 'A Silent Symphony', which is about a deaf boy who wants to try and re-learn the piano. And on my fanfiction account, my Hunger Games story involves a lot of death...but that does not mean I'm not going to try my best with this one. I've been planning this *coughclichécough* book for a little while now, so I am excited to get it written up and ready to go. I apologise if it is incredibly cliché, or if it seriously sucks. I am going to try and that's all that matters :P

But even so: this book is probably going to be awful, this is because it isn't serious and it's just something for me to do in my spare time. It's probably not going to be well written, it's probably going to have short chapters, it's probably going to rely on cliché plotlines to come and save it from writer's block. But I am going to tell you that my character isn't going to be your stereotypical unnoticed girl. She's not going to be weak or wear glasses, she's not going to end up in a coma and she's not going to quote Shakespeare when she's sad or whatever. She's just going to be herself and she is not going to get pregnant because she is sensible and she is only sixteen.Thank you.

 © infinitepringle (also known as foreversmaug) 2014


-- also published on Quotev under my other name, foreversmaug --

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Please enjoy the book and maybe leave me a comment or a vote here and there - it is always very much appreciated! I love you all, my potential readers! Have a little bit of faith, the first couple of chapters always majorly suck...but it'll get better :P

If you love cliché plotlines, far too many events crammed into one book and nerds, this book is just for you :)

infinitepringle x

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