"Hey, guys how are you??" Cipher says to the three boys.

The three turn around to talk to The female ghost of Gryffindor house. While Cipher distracted them, Nangel switched Evan's drink with Brock's without nobody looking.

"It was good seeing you guys again, I have to go now, see ya later boys." Cipher smiles and disappears.

The boys turned back around and started to eat breakfast. Brock started to drink on his "Orange Juice" and notice something strange about the taste. He looked up and saw Luke staring at with a shocked look on his face. Brock got up and headed for the bathroom.

"Brock, you alright man?!?" Jonathan asked

"I'm fine, just something about juice just didn't taste right, I'm gonna go to the bathrooms right quick." Brock says heading to the nearest bathroom.

~Over at the Slytherin table~

"those two are up to something." Ryan says

"Yeah, why is Cipher one of the Gryffindor ghost hanging out with Nangel the Slytherin ghost for, that's not normal." Brian says

They watched the two ghost and saw Nangel switched Evan's drink with Brock's drink. After that the two ghosts disappeared. The three Slytherins sat there and watched Brock as he starts to drink the love potion that is mixed with the orange juice. Brock tells his friends that he was heading to the bathroom. Brian gets up after a few seconds and follows after Brock..

*Smut Warning*

Brock looks into the mirror, he looks sweaty and feels really horny for some reason. He hears the door slam and gets locked. Brock sees Brian standing a couple of feet from him. Brian smirks at Brock.

"What the bloody hell are you doing in here and why did you lock the door??" Brock says stuttering.

(Why did I just stutter for) Brock thinks

"What you are feeling right now, is the side effect of a love potion that those ghost were up to this morning and they switched your drink with Evan's. Because Luke was trying to get Evan to like him but those two ghosts had to that. But that's guess that's good news to me." Brian says smirking evily as Brock starts to move away from the Slytherin.

"Stay the fuck away from me, you evil Slytherin....." Brock says blushing madly and Brian doesn't stop moving.

Brock ends up being back into a wall with Brian blocking the way out. He whimpers at how close Brian was to him.

"I just want to help you, Brock.. you see I've had a crush on you since we first started school here and I never got the courage to tell you until now." Brian says as he kisses the blushing boy.

The two were kissing each other back to back. Until, Brian puts his mouth on Brock's neck and starts biting.

"Ah.... What are you...Ahhhh!!" Brock tries to say as Brian puts his hand over Brock's manhood.

"You like that don't you?" Brian says as he grabs Brock hard.

"Please.. don't stop.... Ohhhh." Brock moans

"Babe your moans sound so delicious." Brian says in Brock's ear, earning a whimper from Brock.

Brian unzips Brock's pants and drops them to the floor and he does the same to his own pants. Brock looks down at Brian and blushes again and looks away.

"You like what you see, babe?" Brian whispers into Brock's ear again.

"You so big... That won't fit in me." Brock says whimpering.

"Oh it will fit but first I need to help you with your problem first before I can have at your ass." Brian says grabbing Brock's dick and started jacking him off.

Brock was a whimpering mess as Brian did this. Brock was really close.

"Ohh, Brian I'm close I need to cum.. please..." Brock whimpers out

"Then cum babe cum.." Brian says

And after a few more jerks Brock cums on Brian's hand. Brian smirks and brings two fingers up to Brock's mouth. The boy blushes but does what Brian wants him to do. After a few minutes, Brian takes his fingers out of Brock's mouth and turns the boy around.

"This may hurt but the pain will be gone within seconds." Brian says as he puts his two fingers inside of Brock.

"Ahhhh!!" Brock yells

After a minutes of Brian moving his fingers inside of Brock, he takes them out and replaces it with his dick, Which Brock was whimpering and moaning. Brian pushes inside of Brock and back out over and over until he cums inside of Brock. They both laid in the floor panting and sweating after all that. Brian helps Brock clean up and they get dressed.
*End of Smut*

"Thank you, Brian." Brock says softly blushing a little.

"No problem my love. I was glad to have fun with you for once. You might want to fix your hair, so they won't think nothing." Brian says as he unlocks the door and they head back to the great Hall. They enter and saw their friends sitting by each other.

"About time you came back, we were beginning to wonder what happened." Jonathan says holding Evan's and Luke's hands. 
"I just helping, Brock here with his problems with that stupid love potion of yours. I had to calm him down and talk to him for a little while. That's why it took so long." Brian says as his friends didn't believe him one bit nor did Jonathan and Evan.

Brock blushes and sits down next to Brian holding hands under the table without the boys knowing.

On the other side of the great Hall, the two female ghosts were fangirling and Cipher had a nosebleed from what she saw in the boys bathroom,but she was happy and so was Nangel.

I almost had a nose bleed from writing the smut part.. sorry of it kinda sucked, never done a smut before... Oh another thing should there be a part two to this. Let me know comment on it

Peace out✌

ShannonCipher 1496

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