The girl that doesn't like labels calls him 'Abercrombie' 19

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"Okay, so one more time. You knocked up, Mackenzie, she doesn't want the baby, so your gonna' be a single dad?" I asked, still trying to make sense of the situation. I noticed that Sterling was now in the doorway, with a confused look on his face. I patted a spot on the bed, and he came and sat down next to me. 'Benji' I mouthed. He looked at me for a second, and then realized.

"OH!" He said a little too loudly, I smacked him on the arm.

"Who's with you?" Benji asked, he must have heard Sterling. Darn it.

"No one."

"Does no one happen to be Sterling?"


"Thought so." He said quietly. He didn't really seem to like Sterling. He liked the fact that I was happy, and that I had someone in my life, but he didn't like Sterling.

"Yeah." I sighed. "Why don't you come over in say...half an hour, we can talk more then 'k."

"Sure, see ya' then." He said and hung up.

I got dressed and ready, and Sterling had some extra clothes in his car (don't ask me why, 'cause I have no clue (and don't really want to know)). I was sitting in the living room, waiting for Sterling to get changed and I let my mind run free. Here's a list of all the things that were going through my mind:

I want some pudding.


I wonder if we have any pudding.

Sterling takes longer in the bathroom than I do.

I think I am going to buy pudding mix later.

Awww Benji should totally name the baby after me.

I wish we had pudding, 'cause I don't really feel like going to the store.

Sterling...hurry your butt up.

Imma go search through the cabinets for pudding mix.

After unsuccessfully searching for pudding. I heard the door bell. I ran to get it, and in the process, slid down the hall way, and into Sterling's arms, as he came around the corner.

"Watch it there speedy, don't wanna' get hurt." He chuckled. I continued to run to the door, but when I opened it, I was surprised. It was Tay, not Benji. Wrong brother.

"Oh, hey." I said. He must have seen my expression change.

"Hey, why do you look sad when I come to the door?"

"No reason, I was just expecting you to be your brother. But I'm happy to see you too, don't get all worked up."

"Okay." He looked past me and saw Sterling.

"Hey." Sterling said, he was making an effort.

"Hi. Why are you here?"


"No it's a good question. Fought with the 'rentals, spent the night in the guest room. Don't worry I didn't touch Maria."

"Sterling!" I yelled again. "Taylor! Boys! Stop it!" I growled throwing my hands in the air. "Sheesh, you are both children!"

"I never said I wasn't." Sterling said matter-of-factly and walked into the living room.

"I never said I wasn't," Taylor mocked as he walked into the house, well that followed by some very bad things that I don't want to repeat. As soon as I closed the door, and went to walk into the living room (mainly to make sure that those two idiots don't murder each other, I don't need a homocide case to deal with right now, I have enough on my plate) the door bell rang. Again! Wasn't I just at the door? Wasn't I? Urg. My phone started to ring at the same time. Sterling came into the hallway, I saw that it was Lindzey calling. Oops, I was supposed to call her last night. Whoops! I threw my cell to Sterling. He caught it, it was a spaztic catch though. He hadn't known why I was throwing my ever-ringin' phone at him.

"IT'S LYNZEY!" I called over my shoulder, I was heading for the door again. I was once again shocked when I opened the door. Not because it wasn't Benji, even though it was, but because Benji looked he hadn't slept in weeks and he had just been in a fight with a sumo wrestler that sat on him. You get the picture, he looked bad.

"Hello?" I heard Sterling answer my phone. "I don't know, she through my phone at me, I assumed I was supposed to answer it." He paused for a moment. "WAS I?" He called to me.

"YEAH!" I yelled back.

"You get mad when I yell...I think my hearing is permentantly damaged. Thanks so much. 'Cause you know, I don't need all five senses." He said sarcastically. I laughed for a second, a lifeless laugh. Then I hugged him.

"Everything's gonna' work out. Trust me." I whispered to him.

"Thanks." He hugged back.

"Yeah thanks Mar, just leave me there why don't y- oh, hey bro." Tay said, he was clearly upset by my answering the door.

"Benji, I think things are gonna' be fine," I said, getting back to the situation at hand, he gave me this look like 'Don't say another word' or 'Shut the "truck" up' so I did.

"What do ya' mean things'll be fine?" Tay asked puzzled.

" going to be, uh, late for work tomorrow!" I said a little too enthusiastically.

"Oh...? So, you know what, nevermind." He said and shook his head. "By the way, you do know that it looks like a tornado happened in your kitchen,"

"Oh I know, I was looking for pudding." I said and nodded stupidly.

"Pudding?" Sterling asked confused.

"Yes, I wanted pudding. Got a problem with that?"

"Of course not. Did you find any?"


"Aww, poor you."

"I know, totally. Poor me, I am puddingless."

"Poor puddingless Maria, whatever will you do?" He was being all sarcastic and junk. Urg, he irks me sometimes.

"Yes, poor puddingless me. You know what, you have a car. Go get me some pudding." I said and grabbed his keys off of a little table by the front door. I threw them to him.

"Your not serious are you?"

"Oh I am, completely serious, you mocked my need for pudding, now you feel my puddingless wrath. Don't be too long." I smiled, then I went and kissed him. I then waited for him to respond. He just shook his head.

"Fine. To the pudding. What kind of pudding?"

"Well a few boxes of the mixy stuff, like 10, and those little pudding cups, one package."

"Okay, see ya'll later. I'll be back with your pudding soon, don't worry." He still seemed confused. Almost in shock. Then, he dissapeared out the door.

"What is he like a golden pudding retriever?" Benji asked confused.

"He is now!" I laughed. Tay and Benji just laughed at me.

"Okay crazy," Benji laughed. We then proceeded to go into the living room. Haha, he's like my personal preppy pudding retriever.

The girl that doesn't like labels calls him 'Abercrombie'Where stories live. Discover now