Twenty first night of September

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On this very night Severus Snape could be found in the Astronomy Tower staring at the stars and clutching a locket in his hand. Today was his daughter's birthday, his heart wept for her. Years and years of searching and he had found nothing; not even a whisper of her presence. Severus opened the locket with a click, inside was a picture of a baby girl with pale skin and shocking blue eyes. It was his present to her and now that it was her eleventh birthday at one o'clock he would know where she was.
Severus's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps approaching. "Professor, it's time." He turned to see his former student staring back at him with those familiar green eyes. Harry James Potter was a grown Auror who had a wife with a child on the way. Though Severus hated to admit it..he was proud of him but he also envied him for getting to have a proper family. "Right. Let's get on with it then."
      Harry led him down the large hallway to the Great Hall; the tables where all laid against the wall and a cauldron stood in the middle with turquoise smoke coming out of it. Headmistress McGonagall, Hermione Jean Weasley, and Ron Bilius Weasley stood in front of it muttering to themselves. They all looked up when Harry and Severus came in. "Are you sure you're ready Severus?" McGonagall asked once they joined them in front of the cauldron. Severus growled and his eyes flashed. "Of course I am! I've been waiting ten years for this!"
"Mr. Snape, calm down." Mrs. Weasley said as she added the final ingredients to the potion. Severus sighed and ran his hand through his black hair which now brushed his shoulders. "You're right Mrs. Weasley. I apologize." The clock chimed at one o'clock at night and the potion began to bubble as more smoke poured out of the cauldron. They all took a step back as light blue smoke floated into the air and swirled around forming a large circle. An image began to form showing a small bedroom; three bunk beds lined the walls and clothes as well as brushes and books were scattered on the floor.
A tall woman with short brown hair put in a messy bun and dressed in a nightgown with a robe walked in. Her clothes were somewhat stained and her pockets smelled of cigarettes. "What do you think you all are doing?! Get up and clean this mess! NOW!!" She turned and slammed the door causing a group of groans to sound and covers were pushed back. Two girls hopped out of the first bunk bed and trudged to the bathroom. One had long wavy blond hair and was average height while the other had short frizzy chocolate brown hair and was quite short. The second bunk bed was occupied by two other girl who were yawning and stretching. The first was brown skinned and had soft looking wavy black hair that had a red hair clip in it. The second had sun kissed skin and fiery red hair in a pixie cut.
      The third and final bed had only one occupant who still had yet to wake up. The girl with red hair got out of bed and shook her. "Tati it's time to get up." The lump under the covers shifted and the covers were pushed back. Everyone's breath in the Great Hall caught as a girl with very pale skin, raven black hair that barley went past her shoulders, and striking blue eyes emerged. "Look who's up!" The girl with blond hair smirked as she brushed her teeth. "Oh shut up Katie." Tatianna climbed out of bed and hissed when her feet came in contact with the cold floor. "Wow. You really aren't a morning person." The girl with red hair chuckled putting on her slippers. "Yeah whatever Trisha."
      Once Tatianna stood up it was clear that she towered over the other girls. "We better get going before Miss Smith eats us for breakfast." Trisha said as she brushed through her short hair. The girls all laughed as they got ready and got the cleaning supplies from the closet. Tatianna grabbed two brooms and tossed each to the brown haired and a black haired girls. "Alright. Eden, Belle." The two girls sighed and started to sweep the living room, Trisha and Katie took a laundry basket and stared putting clothes from the floor into it. Tatianna got a vacuum and plugged it in she had barley started on the rug when a sharp yell interrupted them.
      "Turn that blasted contraption off! I have a splitting headache!" Tatianna scoffed and unplugged it. "Miss Smith must have another hangover." She put the vacuum away and started washing the windows. "I'm just dreaming of the day a man and a woman will come and take me away." Eden said sighing dreamily. Trisha rolled her eyes, "Well keep dreaming. That will never happen Eden, you know that." Tatianna smacked her arm. "Be nice, let her have a little hope." Katie shook her head, "Easy for you to say that. You're parents are alive and coming to get you." Trisha rolled her eyes, "Yeah right. Her parents are either dead or relaxing on a beach somewhere thanking god there's no kids."
      Eden shot Trisha a glare while Belle shook her head still doing laundry. "That doesn't have to be true Trisha. There could be people out there who want children." Trisha scoffed and took a broom starting to sweep, "Who would want us? Plus who would want a child who can do things no ordinary child can?" Tatianna froze and nearly dropped the wet rag she was holding. "You promised not to say anything!" She hissed. "Yeah Trish, you know how touchy Miss Smith is about this kind of thing." Belle said putting away the last of the laundry. "That old bat has a hangover and is snoring in her room." Katie shushed her and took the broom.
Trisha was about to come up with a snarky remark but was interrupted by Miss Smith stomping into the living room. "Tatianna! I found a letter address to you, have you been trying to escape again!" Tatianna froze and a confused look settled on her face. "No ma'am. I don't know who would send me a letter." Miss Smith glared and walked up to Tatianna grabbing the front of her shirt making their faces inches apart. "You better not be lying to me you pathetic freak."
      Tatianna wrinkled her nose at their close proximity. "I'm not lying to you Miss Smith." She looked Tatianna over and let go throwing Tatianna to the ground. "What do we say?!" They all stopped what they were doing and chorused, "I love you Miss Smith." The image faded and they all stood there shocked. Severus's fists were curled in anger at that vile Smith woman. "I'm going to curse that woman for abusing my daughter." He turned and with a swish of his cloak he was gone down the hall.

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