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Right after finishing the breakfast as we were just about to leave for Victor's house, Marcus got a phone call and he announced that he's urgently got some work and will join us directly at Victor's. And being the sweetest guy that he is, Mac let him go without any questions.

On reaching Victor's house when everyone started getting out of the car...


This time before Mac could ask me to stay inside the car, i immediately hopped off.

"Yes Mac? Were saying something?" I gazed with a toothy smile at Mac who was still sitting inside the car. He couldn't help but chuckle at me. Then he stepped out as well and stood in front of me.

"Don't worry. I wasn't going to ask you to stay inside the car." He let out a small laugh.

"Then?" I twisted my brows.

"I was asking you to come with us

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"I was asking you to come with us. You know we'll need you, right?"
He said slightly smiling before he walked away with Jack, Riley and Bozer. Leaving me there with a smile as well or should i say..blush.

When we reached the door, it was already open so we quietly got inside, trying not to make a noise. Jack stepped in first, pointing his gun and the rest of us followed him. Though i didn't get the whole tip toeing thing because Victor had already ran away. But i still quietly followed the rest of them. Victor's house was like a dirty damp scary house, far away from the city. Like those abandoned ones in a horror movie.

Once inside, we all walked to different directions and started doing our work. Riley, Jack and Bozer were checking the ground floor while Mac and i went upstairs. We all took different rooms and started searching the place looking around for anything that could lead us to the person who hired them. I checked everything around the room i was in but didn't get anything so i walked out of that room and started getting in the other one right next to it. But just as i opened the door of that room, I froze at my place to see what i saw there. Victor was laying on the floor shot dead beside the bed there. All covered in his own blood with stuff scattered around the room.

Suddenly i felt completely numb and cold. For a second, neither could i move myself out of there nor i could remove my eyes off that scene in front of me. It was terrifying. I immediately started stepping back gradually. With my eyes still on Victor's dead body. My whole body was trembling bad. Which made me trip and i was about to fall but Mac held me from behind at the right time.

"Hey..what happened..are you all right?" He asked holding me with my shoulders. I was so scared that couldn't even say a word so i just pointed at the room. Then Mac looked into the room and immediately called for Jack, Riley and Bozer as he saw Victor's dead body. The three of them rushed upstairs while i just kept standing outside the room the whole time, realising that if Mac hadn't held me on time, i would've fallen off the stairs.


I was standing against the bonnet of our car in front of Victor's house with my arms folded and eyes fixed on the floor as i just couldn't take my mind off what i just saw. Mac had called some other officers from Phoenix, Marcus got there too and they all were investigating about Victor's murder. And i was completely lost in my thoughts, thinking about Victor. His dead body and the whole scene was bothering me as hell and now...i was actually disturbed.

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