Kidnapped by my Father and his mafia (8)

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When we stepped outside I saw Clare picking a Dandelion, she ran up to me and handed it to me.

"I picked this for you mommy."

"Thank you sweetie, I love it." And I gave her a kiss. "What you want to do."

"Hmmmmmm, we.........showld..................I don't know?"

"Ha you don't...........why don't we play tag?" I smiled at her. And she nodded her head vigorously. "Ok I will be it ok. So go hide, I will count too twenty." And she took off. I looked over at Ryan, and smiled. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20" I got up and ran over to the tree, where I knew Clare was hiding at. It is her favorite tree. "Got ya!" I said as I jumped behind the tree, she screamed and then started to run. We ran aound in circles until I finally got her, Ryan was up on the porch watching us, I fell on the ground and pulled her down with me and started to tickle her.

"S-sstop haha it!!!Haha S-ss-stop it!!! M-M-MOMMY Haha!!!" Clare yelled out, giggling the whole time.

"Not until you say the magic words."

"Uwnle Wyan!!! HEWLP!" She giggled the hole time, then all of a sudden I was off the ground. I looked up to see Ryan was holding me.

"Hay!" he said

"Put me down."


"Why!" I whined

"Because Clare told me to get you to stop. So I did."

"Clare help me! Help me! Uncle Ryan is being mean!"

"Oh mommy, you silly Uwnle Wyan would never huwrt you." Clare said, looking up at me.

"I know baby. But can you just tell him to put me down? PLEASE!" I said said to my little girl with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. Uwnle Wyan, plewse put mommy down."


Once my feet connected with the ground, I looked over at Clare. I noticed that it was getting really dark now.

"Hay baby girl, want me to read you a story? I will read your favorite, Jack and the bean stalk. "

"Ok mommy." She grabbed my hand and pulled me inside, I looked back at Ryan when I noticed a gray van with some one that one that looked very familiar. I staggered back a little to get a better look, but Clare just pulled my hand more.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~About a quarter til one in the morning

"Oh my gosh. I am so tired." I said to Ryan and his Mom, Libby, as I sat on the couch. Libby just laughed.

"Well honey, it was nice seeing you. And you better be coming back. I have to go to work in a couple hours and I need my rest. Night." She kissed both me and Ryan's cheeks and then walked off into her room. I looked over at Ryan and sighed.

"She didn't want to go to sleep." I told Ryan, "She said she didn't want to wake up and not see me here again. Ryan what am I going to do? I want her with me at all times, but I can't provide for her. You and Libby has, you are the closest thing to a father to her and I am her mother and Libby her grandma. And I know it hurts her every day when she doesn't see me. And believe me it hurts me to. I miss her every second of the day." I said to him, tears rolling down my face. "I don't know what to do Ryan. I want her but I can't provide anything."

"It's ok Alva, everything will be alright ok. We will figure something out. I promise." Ryan told me while taking me into his arms and holding me tightly. We sat there for a little while, I thought of what I could do. I will be starting my senior year in about 2 weeks, Clare is turning 3 in 1 week, and I still need to tell my Dad bout Clare. Mom knew about Clare, but didn't want Clare living there. I hate her.



"I want to take Clare home with me on her third birthday. I think that will work out. And I will come over and see you guys and you can come over to my Dad's. and when I go off to college we can get a place together an-"

"Are you sure that is a good idea? I mean no offence to your Dad or anything, but would that be ok with him. I don't know Alva, there is something definitely wrong there."

"What are you saying? That my Dad is unfit? Dangerous? "

"No it's just, never mind"

"Ok, what ever.......................................Ryan?"


"Can I stay the night to night? Sleep on the couch? I want to wake up and she Clare's face."



"I will take the couch Alva, chill. You sleep in my bed ok."

"ok, thanks. Night."

"Night Alva."

I got up and walked back into Ryans room, which was next to Clare's. I slipped out of my clothes and put on a pair of Ryan's gym shorts and big t-shirts. I walked over to my phone and picked it up. I might as well call Dad and talk to him. I went to my contacts and scrolled down to dad and pressed send.



"Hi Dad."

"Where have you been? I have been worried sick. Come home immediately."

"Dad I can't. I will be home some time tomorrow. But I do need to talk to you its something important so when I get home be there ok. I am staying at a friend's house, I am fine and in one piece so don't call the police or anything. Ok."

I heard him sigh."Just don't take off like that ever again, I got home to see David sitting in a chair with a ice pack on Well anyway, just call me when your leaving your friends house, ok, and I will see you when you get home."

"Ok, I love you Daddy, and thanks."

"Thanks for what?"

"For not calling the police. Night."

"Night, and I love you too."

I hung up the phone and set it on the dresser. I walked over to the bed and climbed in, resting my head on the comfy pillows and pulling the blankets up to my chin. I hope tomorrow will be a good day. Then I fell into a deep, deep sleep.

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