Chapter 24: Surprise

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Chapter 24: Surprise

[7 Months Later ~February~]

Felix had healed from the Vidcon incident and him, Marzia, Anthony and Kalel went to New York City for Fashion Week.]

[Marzia's POV]

I woke up as a gentle breeze flowed through my window. I turned over to see Felix asleep, snoring softly. I smiled, and walked into the kitchen. I felt hungrier than usual... Weird

I made myself a huge breakfast. Pancakes, bacon, toast, 2 omelets, milk and orange juice included. I ate them surprisingly fast and then got ready for the day. I left a note on the table telling Felix I was going to run errands. I then put food in Puga's dish and went off on my way.

I stopped at the clothing store and got myself a couple new shirts and some jeans to wear around the house. I then went to the grocery store and bought a weeks worth of groceries. The cashier barely spoke English, and it was a pretty interesting experience.

My last stop was the Pharmacy. Hunger
is the first sign of pregnancy, and I just wanted to be sure. I got a pregnancy test and then went home. I peeked in the room to see that Felix was still sleeping. Good.

I put the groceries away and then slipped into the bathroom. I unboxed it and followed the directions. My heart stopped when it showed up positive.

I threw it away and sat on the counter. I can't believe it... How will Felix react? I think he'll be okay with it, but still. I started to cry softly into my hands as emotions engulfed me.

[Felix's POV]

I sat up in bed and heard quiet whimpers coming from the bathroom. I noticed Marzia wasn't next me, so I immediately headed towards the bathroom door and turned the knob. It was locked so I tapped on the door.

"Marzia, sweetie, are you okay?"

I heard her sweet Italian voice reply "yea, I just hit my arm on the counter"

"Well okay, I'm going to go record, if you need anything just come and ask"

Just as I turned to go into my gaming room, I heard Marzia behind me. "Felix wait".

I turned around to see her face full Of tears and worries.

"Before I tell you, promise me you won't get mad"

What a silly thing to say. I could never get mad at her.

"I promise babe, what is it"

"Well... I just took a pregnancy test... And it's positive"

I felt myself fill with joy and I put my arms around her,

"Sweetheart, that's amazing! You said you wanted to be a mother. And you can tell me anything."

She wiped the tears from her face "oh Felix, I thought you would be mad..."

I smiled. "I could never be mad at my beautiful fiancé. I love you to the moon and back, no matter what happens."

I kissed her, and then her stomach. "If the baby turns out looking like you, it would be perfect."

"I rather it look like you, at least then it would be cute."

We giggled and I held her close. Her head rested on my shoulder and it was the most comforting feeling in the world. "I love you Marzia... And our future baby."


Hey, so what did you guys think? Sorry I skipped a lot but I needed to get rid of a couple months. And I'm also sorry that it was short.

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