Chapter 44: Confusion

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'Do you want to go outside for a bit?' with his face close to Keira's Fernando ran his fingers along her cheek.

A shiver shot up her spine and she took a step back to increase the space between them. 'No, I'm here with the team,' she said hesitantly, although he probably knew of course.

'That's right,' Seb had appeared with two drinks and glared scornfully at Fernando. 'So thanks for keeping her company, but I will take it from here,' he smirked when he saw Fernando's smile weaken. He handed Keira her drink and put his arm around her shoulders, to show Fernando he had no chance tonight.

'I'll see you around then,' Fernando winked at Keira. 'Just call me when you get bored with him, I know exactly how to make a girl happy,' he said with a knowing smile and he kissed Keira on her cheek before he left.

Seb was scowling and he made a rude gesture in Fernando's direction what made her laugh. 'Don't let him wind you up, that's exactly what he wants,' she tried to cool him down.

'I don't like Fernando,' was all Seb could say and he showed his displeasure by emptying his glass in one go. 'I don't understand why you like him,' he added with a frown.

'It's a girl's thing, I think,' she smirked and she shrugged her shoulders when Seb rolled his eyes in exasperation. 'Don't worry, you're still better looking than him,' she winked and she also finished her drink.

'Am I?' he tried to act like it wasn't a big deal or anything, but his satisfied smile gave away that it was. 'Good,' he added with a grin.

Now they both had their hands free again they continued dancing, almost bumping into other people as they were kind of out of control. Seb's drinks had been very strong and they ended up being even drunker than they already were, which resulted in fits of laughter and having to make lots of excuses to other people for their behaviour.

'Let's go outside, I need to cool off,' Keira gasped when she had difficulties catching her breath.

'Best plan of the entire evening,' Seb answered and they carved a path through the large mass to find an exit.

'Ah, fresh air,' Keira sniffed the late night air and it reminded her of all the hours she had spent at the lake. 'I miss Switzerland,' she said when they wandered to the back of the balcony which provided the best view. It had already gone past midnight a few hours ago, but the lights of the city were still illuminating the pitch black sky.

'Me too,' Seb answered as he leant on the railing. 'I like being anonymous and that's something that I miss on race weekends,' he admitted. He ran his fingers through his sweaty hair and his eyes were staring into the distance.

'We're alone here and I will not ask you for an autograph,' she grinned and she checked their surroundings. Only on the other end of the balcony she could spot other people, but on their side they were the only ones. The sudden silence was strange, but it sobered them both up pretty well.

Seb glanced up and his bright blue eyes were focused on Keira. 'I'm so glad I've got you as my friend,' he said slowly and he took a step closer to her. 'You let me be myself and make me laugh,' he continued whilst chuckling, 'although you can be very annoying sometimes.'

'Thanks, I guess?' she spluttered as Seb was now really close to her. His eyelashes fluttered and she could now smell mint and petrol, combined with sweat. She leant against the railing to steady herself and forgot to breath when he put his hand on her back.

'You also are able to calm me down when I'm angry or cheer me up when I'm sad,' he now whispered as he brushed his lips against Keira's ear. He pushed a lock of hair back in its place and then moved his hand to cup her face. With an affectionate gaze he stepped even closer what meant he was now pinning her between himself and the railing.

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