Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

*Darcy's P.O.V*

After Gus and Jonah left the room, it was only Rodney and I. He glared at me. He looked like he hasn't slept in days. His hair wasn't combed, his breath stank, and he had bags under his eyes.

'Have you been cheating on me with that chav mate of yours?'

'N-n-no, I haven't. I met him this morning. Promise.'

His jaw clenched and his eye twitched. He wrinkled his nose and quickly grabbed by onesie from the slot in the middle of the glass where people communicate in. He strangled me by the neck which made me scream and panic. Security ran in from his side and pulled me away from me and punched him. They dragged him away while he glared at me then gave me the finger. I bit my lip trying not to cry. Noah ran and hugged me followed by Augustus who had his hands in his pockets looking at the ceiling.

'I think we should go now.'

I nodded. Just as we were about to exit the room, Augustus sat down as if he was going to talk to someone through the window.


'I have to stay here to sort out a few things. You guys go on ahead.'

Noah dragged me out to his car and we sat inside it in silence.

'I guess the drama is over.'

'Not completely.' I mumbled.

Noah glanced at me before he switched on the engine and the car journey had begun.

*Rodney's P.O.V*

'Here I only have a fiver left. Promise.' I lied.

The security guard snatched my money and kicked me away. I walked back into the visitor room and I saw a familiar face sitting on the other side of the window. I sat down in front of him and grinned.

'Do you have my money?'

I nodded and took out an envelope full of cash. I pushed it to him throw the slot and he grabbed it. I counted the money quickly and smirked.

'All you have to do is spy on them. Don't let them out of your sight, then report back to me. Got it?'

Augustus nodded then walked out of the room leaving me by myself.

I was guided back to my cell and my roommate sat at the corner of the room staring into space. He looked like he had been crying for years. I growled at him and found a knife almost on the other side of the cell. I carefully grabbed it and examined it. It had. Few scratches on it and dried blood. I glared at my roommate then cut my whole arm with the knife. I saw the red liquid fall off my arm. It hurt but I felt free, like I was a clean slate. I went on my knees and looked under my bed then my roommate's bed. He had a packet with white substances in it. I pulled it out and glared at him more.

'T-T-That's mine.' he stammered.

'Not anymore it is.' I growled.

I opened it and crawled under my bed. I sniffed it making me feel suddenly relaxed. It was weird but I was familiar with this feeling. I crawled out of the bed and threw the packet at my roommate and he grabbed it.

'HEY!' I heard one of the security guards voices.

'It was him! He has drugs!'

'Wha? No I don't! He's the one who's high!'

The guard grabbed him and dragged him away. All I could hear was a scream.

*Darcy's P.O.V*

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