Helen Jackson

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Name : Helen Aqua Jackson

Age : 11

Family: Percy Jackson(Twin Brother), Poseidon (Father), Sally (Mother)

Nicknames : Aqua, Sea

Appearance: Helen has black hair that reaches her waist and sea green eyes. She is like the female version of Percy.

Abilities: Can control water,turn it into ice,heal herself and others with the help of water,mist travel.

Personality: She is very smart unlike her brother,quick-witted,sarcastic,funny,brave,sneaky,a great singer,easy-going, fun-loving and sometimes lazy.

Weapons : She has a bracelet that turns into a shield, a necklace that turns into a sword and a ring that turns into a bow and arrows(which never end).

Likes: Her brother,her mother,her father,the whole Camp Half-Blood,the Olympians,Hestia,Hades,Hecate, the minor gods and godesses and her friends at hogwarts.She also likes swimming,singing,reading,play musical instruments and drawing.

Enemies: Annabeth,Titans,Primordials,Giants,Traitors.

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