The moment Kihyun got close to Changkyun the later pushed him to the sofa and embraced him from behind. Now the older could feel the tallers breath on his neck and had his hands around his waist.

"This feels good." The younger said.

"Yeah. You're warm."

"You too Hyunie. Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah but first I want to know a little more about you."

"Okay. What do you wanna know?"

    They chatted for a long time, getting to know each other. During their conversations Kihyun couldn't stop thinking how Changkyun made him try new things and how the two were perfect together.
     The couple ended up sleeping on the couch, in their cuddling postition. Both had an awesome sleep.


"Prepare yourslef, okay? I don't know how he will react. Be polite!"

"Yes sir Kihyun."

"Stop it this is serious. It's my family were talkung about okay?"

"Calm down, I'm sure it's gonna be alright."

"Hope so. Your my soulmate, only one, and I like you too much so if he doesn't aprove I'll freak out."

"What did you say? You like me too much?"

"Sh-shut up."

"Wait no, Now I wanna know."

"Sir, master is awaiting you."

"Come on Changkyun."

Knock knock

"Come in."

"Hi dad, mom."

"Oh, Kihyun, please enter."

"Excuse me."

"Why did you want to talk with us?"

"I have something to tell you. I guess you will be thrilled with the news."

"What is it?" Mr.Yoo questioned.

"I found my soulmate."

"Really? How is she?"

"Is she pretty? And nice?" His mom asked.

"Actually she is a he. My soulmate is a boy."



"Is it that bad? I mean, I like him a lot." Kihyun defended.

"Yeah, but it is a boy. It's harder to know if you'll eventually fall in love or if it is just friendship."

"I don't how it would be different if it was a girl."

"He has a point honey. Shouldn't we just let him make his own choices? Besides you can't just change a soulmate." His mom pointed out.

"Fine. You have my blessing."

"Mine too."

"Yeeeey!! Thank you so so so so so so much!!"

    Kihyun was so happy that he got his parents blessings that he grabed one of the guards in the room and started dancing with him. From the outside Changkyun could ear and see everything and he was smiling widely at the scene developing on that room.

"Kihyun look what you're doing at the poor guard."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I apologize."

"Don't worry. Young love is understandable."

"That's right Kihyun, what do you feel about that boy?"


"When we gave you your blessing you became crazy. Also soulmates are made for each other but sometimes the pair only feels a strong friendship. In the beginning you don't know too well but you even had an happiness explosion right in front if our eyes. So tell us, what do you feel for the boy."

    Changkyun was waiting for his answer. He knew he loved Kihyun, ever since they met eyes but he didn't about the older and wanted to know.



"I like him."

"Yeah, but as a friend? As a boyfriend? Or do you love him?"

"I-I don't know.."

"You can be honest. He won't know."

    Kihyun knew Changkyun could listen but the taller didn't know the other knew. That's why he was so nervous of saying his true feelings, because he knew the subject would listen.

"I..I love him."

"Really? You do?" His mom asked.

"Yes. He made me try things I never had a chance to do, he cared about me, and I feel so happy when I'm around him. Today when he arrived my stomach was full of butterflies and yesterday he told me how I was kind and everything and it made my heart flutter. If that's not love what is it?"

"That's good son." Mr. Yoo said.

"Wait, he's here? Why won't you call him in?"


    Kihyun felt embarassed because of what he said about Changkyun and was afraid of meeting his eyes.
    He went out of the room and when the younger saw him he went to where the older was.

"Did..did you h-hear what we were talking about?"

    Changkyun said nothing but lifted the shorter's chin and closed the space between them.

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