"Got it."

He smiled one more time before leaving. I hate playing cupid, but you could see the chemistry those two have. I guess Kathryn wasn't the one for him.


Apparently, Mary Margaret didn't see it. She basically rejected him because he's married. I ran into David when I was leaving and decided to take him to Granny's to cheer him up.

"Do you remember your favorite dessert, at least?" I asked as we ate.

He shook his head, "Nothing." He sighed before taking a bite of his burger. "What am I doing wrong?"

I dipped my fry in my shake - don't judge, "It's not you, it's her. As long as you stayed married to Kathryn, she's not going to try anything. Mary Margaret is loyal like that. She doesn't want to destroy someone's marriage."

"It's not just that. She thinks it's because she saved me that I'm falling for her."

I started choking on my food. Did I hear him right? "You're what?" I coughed.

"Yeah, I think I'm falling for her."

"Are you sure? It's not the amnesia talking?"

He nodded and couldn't stop the smile forming in his face, "Yeah, I'm falling for her."

I smiled back, "Well, congratulations. It must be nice. Now, what about Kathryn? Again, you're still married."

"I don't know."

The door rung and I see Regina walking near our table. I don't know why, but for a moment I could have sworn that she glared when she realized who I was sitting with. "Jax, what are you doing here?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Um, eating with David. The food at his house wasn't that appetizing." I glanced at him. "No offense."

She shoved her hands in her pockets, "I'm sure David doesn't want you bothering him. He just got out of the hospital."

David gave her a polite smile and lied, "It's no bother. I actually offered to walk Jax home. A girl her age shouldn't be out here alone."

Regina looks frustrated with that. What the hell is her problem? She let out a tight smile, "You are absolutely right." She looked at me. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Seven on the dot. Henry shouldn't be late for school."

She gave us each one final glance before leaving the diner. I sighed as I took a five out of my wallet and placed it on the table. "I should actually get going."

He got up, "Let's go."

I gave him a confused look, "I'm ok walking home."

We went outside. "Like I told the Mayor, you shouldn't be walking out here alone." I raised my eyebrow at him which caused him to chuckle. "It's no trouble."

I placed my hands in my pockets, "For someone who lost their memory, you're sure nice to me."

"I don't know. It's this weird feeling I get that I could easily talk to you. Like at the Toll Bridge, I saw you and I wanted to hug you. Like how old friends do when they don't see each other for a long time."

"That's weird. We never met until that day. And about Mary Margaret, I'm sure she'll come around."

"For someone who claims getting involved with a married man is a big no no, you sure are very helpful. What's with the sudden change?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I don't really know. I mean, I have a rule against getting involved with someone taken, but I just see something between the two of you. I can't really explain it. I just see the chemistry."

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