"I am with ya man," Kane said looking over one of the underclass girls. Kane is the quiet and shy one in the group, and girls love that about him. Kane is African-American and plays wide receiver on the football team. He has the kindest brown eyes and the perfect football body.

"I don't know is Bianca, going to be there?" Blake said, who is the school's quarterback. Blake is the biggest boy toy/player out of us all. He is also the best looking, he has short black hair, and these piercing green eyes that can make any girl stop, and his abs will make any girls mouth water. Blake is also the biggest asshole of us all too. He is the player that hits it once and quits it, except for Bianca, he seems to always go back to her.

"Dude, what makes her worth going back to," Cole said, and he plays running back. Cole is your typical blonde hair, blue eyed, spoiled frat boy to put it mildly. He plays the field, but he likes to keep his girls around for a little bit before he lets them go. He also wines and dines them first, and he is the only one that does that.

"She gives the best head in school," Drake said, he plays the best tight end in all of Georgia. He is also African-American, and girls flock to him because he has these ice blue eyes. Drake uses them to his advantage too, but he doesn't usually like sloppy seconds, so he dates girls from other schools in the county.

"That's just because I haven't given it you guys," I said with a wink. I like sex, just as much as the guys if not more. I refuse to sleep with the boys though except for Blake, that happened once, and we swore it would never happen again. We made a pact freshman year that no one tries to go after me because we can't allow our friendship to be broken. So I went after the other guys in school. I have had sex with like four people, but I love foreplay, and that's how I got labeled a "whore" and "boyfriend stealer."

"Dammit Callie, you can't say things like that. Friend or not, that is still hot as hell." Kane said avoiding eye contact with me.

"Oh boys come on, let's go meet my brothers for lunch," I said grabbing my bag and walking out of the school.

"Can I ride with you, Callie?" Blake said coming up behind me.

"I don't care," I said getting in my car. Blake got in, and the rest of them got in Cole's truck and followed me to Sushi Palace. Blake played with my radio, since he knows how to use one, and I do not. I pulled into a parking spot beside Jesse's truck.

I started walking inside as Cole pulled in beside me. I saw my brothers at the back of the restaurant with a big table waiting for us.

"How is my favorite sister's birthday?" Carter asked handing me a menu as I sat between him and Jesse.

"Going great, I am officially done with high school. I just have to go next week for graduation practice." I said quickly finding what I was looking for on the menu, as everyone else came in and looked over the menu too.

Jesse waved at the waitress, and she came and took our orders. We were about to go on the topic of my graduation party next weekend when Bianca walked in and strutted herself over to Blake's lap.

"What have I told you about that?" Blake said hunching over as the waitress brought our food. I guess she sat down on his lap a little too hard.

"Awe, I am sorry. Do you want me to kiss it make it better?" she said trying to be seductive. I just tried not to laugh, at her lame attempt.

"Okay, look here skank. I am trying to eat, and I really would rather it not come back up. So you have about two seconds to leave before I make you. If Blake wants you to kiss it and make it better, he can chase after you." I said acidly.

"You should learn to shut your sex infested mouth. I heard you gave Ed oral, while he was my boyfriend." She said glaring at me. I am assuming this is why I am called "boyfriend-stealer."

"That's right I did, and he wore protection unlike your parents, and we all know you were a mistake." I said, knowing my brothers are going to give me hell for this later, "Just for your information Ed wouldn't have come to me if you didn't choke." I said giving her a triumphant smirk.

"I don't choke you bitch!" she screamed at me.

"Whatever you say."

"Whatever," Bianca said and stormed off. The boys finally burst out laughing not being able to hold it in any longer.

"How'd you do that and not even crack a smile," Drake said wiping tears from his eyes.

"Easily, you tell the truth, and they always give up," I said taking a sip of my water, and Blake was giving me a weird look.

"You can go after her if you want."

"No, it's not that. It's just I've seen Ed in the locker room, and he has something most men wish they had. So how did you not choke?"

"I don't have a gag reflex," I said as nonchalantly as possible. All of my guy friend's eyes went huge. I just felt my brothers cringe with disgust beside me.

"Okay, that 's enough. I don't need to hear any more about my sister's personal life." Jesse said, and Carter agreed. The rest of lunch was uninterrupted and conversational. My brothers paid for my food, and the boys paid for theirs.

"I'll see you back at the house," Jesse said giving me a hug and wishing me happy birthday again as we left. 

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