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"Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed."

- Alexander Pope

Emily found herself spending her waking hours to her late evenings with Jake. She hardly answer her phone, she was too busy cooking with him at his house. Stealing kisses, cuddling during movies in his big fluffy blankets and having aggressive continuous tickle fights. She laughed with him until the air left her lungs. Kissed his cheeks and nibbled  on  his ears and squealed harder and harder as each day passed. Brooke traveled to Jake's house to see Emily, and he answered the door shirtless.

"Hey.. did I come at the wrong time?" Brooke giggled.
"No you're good,  just waking up I'll go get Emma." Jake nodded cracking the door. Shortly Emily appeared in Jake's big white T-shirt and fluffy purple socks.

"Oh my spending the night I see?" Brooke winked nudging her.
"Best sex I've had in a forever." Emily Smiled girlishly  and bit her lip as if she was in the middle of a flashback.

"But Brooke - how did you even get him to come see me?"

"Not telling." Brooke giggled. "I came by because you haven't returned my calls.." Brooke rose her eyebrows Emily made a playful guilty face.

"Sorry.." Emily mouthed silently.

"Now... I promise the weekend you and me! Jake and I  have just been making up for lost time.. you know rekindling.. thanks for everything.." Emily smiled.

"I understand no problem."
Brooke slowly nodded. "Your welcome.. and, oh!  I wanted to go to Pub Niko this weekend I can get us fake IDs and everything!"

Emily made a concerned face.

"Yeah Brooke I can't go to the pub because -"

"What?  You're not drinking now?" Brooke  looked extremely annoyed.
But she knew how Jake felt about underage drinking, or anything illegal.

"I promised Jake."

"Okay...what about that house party I've been telling you about?"

"Can't it only leads to what Jake's against, we can't do anything I don't know more wholesome?" Emily asked.

Brooke stood baffled.

"I can't even come close to making another major mistake again,  don't you understand that?"

"Yeah yeah I do."  Brooke said dismissively.

"What do you want to do then?" She asked.

"Maybe we can watch a movie or go to an arcade place?"

Brooke scrunched up her face, but reluctantly agreed, what Emily didn't get was Brooke went to some lengths to get Jake back for her but then at the same time wants to openly go against his wishes. Emily was trying to be patient.

"Alright I'll see you soon.." Emily said weakly closing Jake's door.

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