Am I Missing Something?

Start from the beginning

"If it isn't the high and mighty Cheshire Cat!" The rat says venomously yet nervously glancing at the spot next to me. In the blink of an eye, a rather plump cat appears behind the rat and eats him. After it finishes chewing, a red tongue licks around its maw. Everyone around here speaks about me as though I’m not here; it makes me a little irritated.

"So Alice is back?" He says disappearing and reappearing. His paw moves toward me and the Hatter seizes it.

"You mustn’t touch her with your claws until she's the proper size again Chesh, you could kill her!"

"My apologies Hatter, and to you Miss Alice."

"It's tea time!" The White Rabbit says nervously tapping a finger against his pocket watch.

"So it is, so it is." The Hatter breaths and we begin walking. His hand is steady enough that I do not feel sick. After only a minute, we come into a clearing where a large table is set up. The tree’s surrounding us are bare of leaves, their branches droop, the bark a sickly shade of brown. Everything in this land is rotting.

"There are six teapots, eleven cups-We accidentally broke one and haven't the time to replace it, terrible isn't it?-and many trays of sweets and snacks. This is your seat Alice!" Says the hatter setting me on the table next to the broken cup he was talking about. None of them seem to notice what’s happening to the world around them.

"Hatter is there any more catnip?" Asks the Cheshire cat settling himself down next to me, well more like hovering over the table next to me, a cup of crème sits before him so he can drink as he likes.

"Yes and you can have it after Alice is back to normal size, ah, Alice which color dress do you prefer?”

"Gray if you'd please." I say looking down to the head of the table where the Hatter is reading a notebook.

"Good I've already got your measurements, and your color preference doesn’t seem to have changed since you left.” He murmurs to himself setting the notebook down. Then he starts cutting and sewing. His fingers move so fast I can scarcely keep track of them, the material he’s using comes from beneath the table.

     Plucking me off the table top Hatter sets me on the soft grassy ground."Tada, there you are! Here put this over you, now put your head out the collar of the dress-We would not want you to be stuck now would we? - Good now eat this." He says handing me a crumb sized piece of cake. Doing as he bids, I eat it, smiling when the sweet morsel melts in my mouth, and then crying out in pain. My bones feel as though they are splintering under my skin and all of my muscles are being stretched like toffee! The dress is beginning to fit me; thankfully, the pain is going away!

"You look splendid!" Everyone cries before someone pulls me to my feet; I tug on some of the material so it lies correctly. Sitting down in the seat in front of the broken teacup, I smile gently adjusting my sewed on apron.

"Very lovely Alice!" The twins say in perfect harmony.

"I like it; the Grey looks nearly blue on you." The Cheshire cat says coming over to sit in my lap. Absently I begin stroking his fur, causing him to purr gently.

"Chesh letting someone besides the duchess pet you? Such a terrible pet. "Hatter says in a joking tone before pouring some tea for himself. The twins, rabbit and hare all follow in suit. I too pour some tea, enjoying the sweet aroma and the warmth of the steam that comes off my cup. Not too long ago a chilly fog began to creep into the clearing, no one comments on it though.

"Hatter, could you please pass the Catnip? He mumbles flicking his tail making it disappear before flicking it again making it visible. Hatter throws at the cat in my lap and he catches it easily.

"Does it smell good?"I ask before taking a sip of my tea, which despite the smell, is bitter. Taking two lumps of sugar I throw them into the warm liquid and stir it quickly so the sugar will dissolve. Taking another small drink I find it improves immensely!

"Yes it smells Divine, almost as good as you do!" He says and everyone laughs, yet another joke I cannot understand.

"So no one came to get me?" A rough and rather creepy voice growls from the trees, the sound of sickly branches cracking resonates in my ears.

"Dammit." Hatter curses as he stands, one of his long legs hits the table causing his cup of tea to spill.


I need your input! It'll take about 5 seconds and it’ll help improve the story you liked enough to keep reading. So what do you say? Is it worth it? Do you want to have a cookie or do you want to be deep fried in catfish batter?

Love everyone Osiris Day✾◕‿◕✾

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