Chapter Thirteen

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Ikram's POV

We arrived at the Sheraton Hotel where the dinner was scheduled to take place. We entered into the hall and I gasped at how beautiful the hall was decorated.

It was a huge hall decorated with the simplest yet fancy decorations,the chairs were arranged accordingly. The plates,cups and cutleries were placed neatly on top of the beautifully clothed table in the right order. A bouquet of flowers on every table to make it look more assorted. The dim pink light that added a fun vibe to the hall and candles lit on each table placed magnificently. In one word,the place was absolutely and breathtakingly beautiful.

We walked inside and I was told to go and sit with Adnan at the stage while the rest of them made their way to various seats labelled with either family,VIP and so on

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We walked inside and I was told to go and sit with Adnan at the stage while the rest of them made their way to various seats labelled with either family,VIP and so on. I was making my way to the stage and a heated gaze followed me. I looked up and it was Adnan giving me a look I wasn't comfortable with. He looked handsome in his kaftan and babban riga that I couldn't take my eyes off him.

 He looked handsome in his kaftan and babban riga that I couldn't take my eyes off him

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I noticed every single thing about him. His beard had grown a little bushy but he still looked perfect. I can't believe I'm getting married to this handsome greek god. I was about to climb the stage when he stood up and gave me a hand. I reluctantly grabbed his hand and we went to sit at our designated seats. The first time I made contact with a non-mahram who isn't my brother or father. I felt the electricity that I always read in novels jolt through my whole being. Immediately we sat,I released my hand but his grip only tightened. He leaned over to my ear and whispered. "Welcome to my world Bambi." Making me shiver in God knows what. Just then I heard the 'click' of a camera. The photographer was just snapping shots of us and I just kept blushing.

The hall was full and the event began. The m.c was Uncle Ahmad,baba's younger brother and Ya Ahmad's namesake. Since the event started,I haven't got a glimpse on Zahra. I wonder where she was. Just then it was time for speeches,normally it's the best friends that give speeches but I saw ya Ahmad climb onto the stage giving me his killer smile. I smiled back and he started.

"There goes my sister,the beloved bride,as she holds hands and embarks on her new life." He says looking at my direction."My emotions are at bay as I bid goodbye." He continued. I promised mama that I wouldn't cry and I'm trying to hold on to that promise. Ikram we grew up together fighting and laughing,unaware of the time passing. We were best friends since the day you were born. I admired how you always looked up to me. You said I was your role model. That you wanted to be just like me." He chuckled at the statement and I wiped the tears that started free falling from my face. "You were also my place for help,you always put me before yourself. From advice about girls,to the way I dressed and holding me when I was stressed. And now I can't believe my sister is all grown up and starting a life of her own. I pray Adnan here loves you as much as I did." He said looking at Adnan. "But I doubt he'll go 30% to how much I love you." The audience laughed but I just smiled through my tears at the irony of knowing he'll never even come close to loving me the way ya Ahmad did. "You're going into a new family and also a new home,and my prayers are always with you so you are never alone." He concluded wiping a lone tear from his face. I didnt know when I burst out crying. His little speech was so emotional that it finally hit me that I'm leaving home for good. That I'll have my own home,build my own family.

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