Prologue - Day Of Infection Spread

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"Hey Dan." Zoey Says. "Uh Hey." Dan Says. "Dan You Alright You Seem A Bit Scared For Some Reason." Steve Says. "That Zombie Shit Going On." Dan Says. "What You Think It's Gonna Spread Haha Your Dumb." Victor Says. "Dan They Said They Have It Locked Down." Ashley Says. "Yeah How Long Will That Last." Dan Says. "Dan Are You..." Victor Cutoff. Gunfire Is Heard. They Look Out The Window. They See  The Military. "Stay Here." Steve Says. "Steve I'm Coming With You." Dan Says. Steve And Dan Go Out. They Walk Towards The Soldiers. "Yes Civilians." Soldier Says. "Uh What's Going On?" Steve Asks. "Nothing." Soldier Says. "Why Are You Here Then?" Steve Asks. "Making Sure Everything Is Safe." Soldier Says. Steve an Dan Walk Back In The House. "So Every..." Steve Cutoff. Gunfire Goes Off. They Look. They See The Soldier Getting Over Run By Zombies. "Wait What The Infection Spread..." Victor Says. "No No Please." Ashley Says. "Steve What Do We Do?" Victor Asks. "I Don't Fucking Know." Steve Says. They Hear A Scream. Blood And Guts Go All Over The Window. Zoey Crys. "We Need To Run." Victor Says. "That's Fucking Stupid They Run Just As Fast If Not Faster." Dan Says. "Yeah And What Would You Suggest?" Victor Says. "We Wait." Dan Says. They Wait Till The Zombies Pass By. Two Hours Later. They See Two Masked Men With Automatic Rifles. "You Guys Stay Here Dan Your Staying As Well." Steve Says. "Fine." Dan Says. Steve Walks Out.  Steve Walks Closer. One One The Masked Men Shoot Steve Injuring Him. "Look Buddy We Don't Help People But We Kill Them." Masked Man Says. Dan Looks Around For A Weapon. Dan Looks Out The Window. Dan Sees A Dead Soldier With A Pistol. Dan Runs Out Runs To The Dead Soldier. Dan Grabs The Pistol. Dan Aims The Pistol At The Masked Men. "Put The Damn Weapon Down." Dan Yells. "Haha Your Funny You Don't Know The Ways Of The New World Do You?" Masked Men Asked. "New World Fuck Are You Talking About." Dan Says. "This Infection Got Passed Them Way Before Now It Finally Reached Here." Masked Man Says. One masked Man Aims At Steve. Dan Fires The Pistol. Killing The Masked Man Aiming At Steve. The Masked Man Starts Aiming At Dan. Steve Gets Up And Punches The Masked Man Knocking Him Out. Dan Drops The Pistol. "Steve." Dan Says. Dan Runs To Steve Helping Him. "I To-Told You..." Steve Cutoff. "We Can Argue When We Get Out Of Here." Dan Says. Ashley, Zoey And Victor Walk Out. They Get Out Of The Town.

Three Years Later...

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