Dee-chans OCs! @ACCELxBLUE

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Yamamoto: Dee-chaaan!~

Dee-chan: Take-chiiiiii?~

Yamamoto: Someone wants you to introduce some of your OCs!

Dee-chan: Ahhh, is that sooo?~ Then here, I'll introduce you! This is my main OC, Ann.

Ann: H-hi.. I'm Ann Dalisay...

Dee-chan: She's rather small, hair brown hair and eyes which is boring. She's very nice, really. She's a hetalia OC and represents the Philippines!~

Ann: Yeah... what she said.

Dee-chan: And here's one more, one of my new OCs Sora!

Sora: Heeeeey! *grins*

Dee-chan: She's pretty excentric and happy. Pink hair and red eyes. I've been using her to RP with recently~

Sora: I'm her new favorite!

Ann: What?!

Yamamoto: Okay okay okay guys, lets calm down~

Dee-chan: Anyway! If you want to see my accounts for these two they're @WakahisaSora and @Philippines_Ann ! 


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