Taking over

Mulai dari awal

By now dad was smirking, preparing to watch the show. A few ghosts were gathering, though distantly. Wanting to watch the human beat down, but not get re-killed by dad.

I light up my hands, ready to blast them into smithereens, but then I notice there was no green glow. Instead, it was replaced by a yellowy white light. Everyone, even dad, stares shocked as the light slowly goes up my arms, spreads up to my shoulders, chest, legs, and feet, until even my head is completely covered, I couldn't describe the feeling, it didn't hurt persay, but it wasn't the best either. By the time the light died down, I felt different. Dad must have known what was going on, because there was a wicked smirk etched into his face. All the other beings were feeling afraid, even if they didn't show it. I could sense it.

I look down at my body. I have glowing blue white light swirling over my entire body, except my chest, My hair is still white, it just has blue highlights now, My visible skin is as pale as dad's, and I have the little sparkling freckles like him, Every time I move, there are balls of light that come off in different sizes, I have long pointed elfin ears also like him, and my eyes are a powerful glowing blue that have mist coming off the sides. Though the most shocking part of this whole ideal are the double pair of razor sharp wings on my back.

I give them a flutter and they are faster than lighting. For a second, time seems to stand still. The swirling green slows down, the rocks and doors freeze, the ghosts go still, and the spectre speeder stops whiring. Right now it's just me. Me. The real me. I... I'm my own person. I'm not ''Danny Phantom's clone'' I'm Dante.

Time seems to go back to normal, but then I remember we have a guest to take care of.

I close my glowing blue eyes and turn to our guests with a sadistic smirk.

"Well then, I guess it's time to have some fun." I say as I power my hands back up with the white hot energy and open my glowing blue eyes. I blast the energy at the speeder and the group of humans start fighting me as Valerie calls back up.

I block their ectoranium powered gun blasts by manifesting a star dust shield. I then start putting my power into the shield, resulting in a giant high powered energy ray shooting out from it and hit the spectre speeder. The group is shaken, so while their guard is down, I go in for the kill. I estimate about five, including Valerie.

I turn invisible, watching as their faces turned panicked. My smirk widens as I start tearing into the speeder from the outside in, cackling crazily as I do. Eventually I do, grabbing the last layer of metal and pulling it off. I'm greeted with more terrified looked.

"Hehe. Peekaboo!"

I lung forward, going for the nearest person. They look like the copilot. Oh well. I grab their arm, ripping it off from the shoulder like a kid would a doll. I grab their neck and stuff the arm down their throat so that they will choke on their own blood as they bleed to death.

The rest went in similar fashions, agonizing, slow, detached body parts, and blood. Lots and lots of blood. I guess this is a good way to get my frustrations out from Vlad, and all the humans that dared to lay a hand on me. Because dad had all the fun. Poo.

Eventually all that's left is Valerie, backed into a corner, pupils contracted from fear, covered in the blood of her squad, spilled by me.

I keep walking up to her, smiling my god awful annoying smile, fangs glinting as l walk painfully slow with my hand glowing with light energy. Man. I feel alive.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 12, 2017 ⏰

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