Chapter 12: Learning

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Leo's POV

Today was the day. I was going to teach Mia how to skateboard.

Jumping over the rooftops I hold the newly crafted board close to me. I already had the protection for her at home.

So she would be safe and I would be able to teach her.

In mutant age she had just turned 8 but her growth was starting to slow. It's how it worked with me and my brothers. We grew fast at first but it slowed down over time.

I had originally planned on teaching her when she was ten but Mikey had sided with Mia after weeks of begging and told me she seemed old enough.

I finally reached the lair and go to Mia on the couch. Panting but smiling I set it down and she throws the game controller to the side.

"Wow! It looks so cool!" She says picking it up and gently moving her fingers along it.

A small rainbow rose had been painted on the back, with different colors of bubbles floating around it. Casey had painted it on for her.

I smile and go get the box of pads and the pink helmet. "Well we gonna do this?" I ask.

She jumps up grabs her board. "Shell yeah we are!"

She starts to run out of the lair and I grab my board, shoving it in the box and running after her.

**Time Skip**

"That's right, now move one foot off it and push like you would when walking. It's just like walking." I say guiding her on the board. She was layered with protection and now learning.

She was almost a natural when she started steering and going faster. Soon she knew enough of how to steer and we moved on to a small jumping move.

"Good job Princess!" I say excitedly as she jumps up and lands on her board veering around to stop near me.

She giggles, "Thanks for the board Dad, and thanks for teaching me." She says hugging me. I hug her back and she pulls away suddenly, running to my board.

"How about a little Father Daughter Race back to the lair?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

"I don't know if you'd be able to catch up Princess." I say grabbing my board from her and setting it on the ground.

"Oh yeah? I'm pretty sure I'd be able to kick your shell." She says getting ready.

I scoff, "Your on Princess."

She gets in her stance and starts to count down. "One," I start to get ready. "Two," Strapping my T-Phone to my belt I get in my stance. "Three!" She yells.

She takes off and I follow close behind her.

Mia's POV

Pushing my foot against the ground every now and then for an extra boost of speed, Dad and I race down the sewers. Jumping over trash and sticks occasionally.

As we near the lair Dad gets in front of me a little but I push one last hard push and flip into the lair.

"Boom! I win!" I yell.

Uncle Raph stops punching his bag and looks confused at me.

Dad comes into the lair panting and sweat beading on his head.

"You were so fast!" He exclaims ploping on the couch. I giggle and set my board on the wall next to Dad's and run to him jumping on the couch and laying on his lap.

"Haha, I told you I would kick your shell." I say poking his nose.

Uncle Raph laughs. "You kicked his shell? Good Job Mia!" He says highfiveing me. Mikey laughs a little and Donnie chuckles.

"You beat Leo?" Uncle Don asks.

I nod with a smile and Donnie bursts out laughing with Mikey. "Man Leo, I think your getting old." Mikey says snickering a little.

Leo shoots daggers at him with his eyes and I giggle.

"Get a daughter to love and take care of, then tell me how much you get to practice on the Skateboard." He says sticking his tongue out.

I giggle again and Daddy Tickles my feet. "Besides I'm not too old to tickle!" He says laughing evilly. Screeching in laughter I try to squirm out of his grip but he grabs me and tickles me all over.

After Laughing for so long Daddy finally stops and kisses me on the forehead.

"Space Hero's?" He asks. I giggle and nod jumping up and running to the kitchen. Grabbing applesauce and spoons I bring it back to the living room.

And thus we began the Space Hero's Marathon.

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