May God bless you this Christmas

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"Why is there a Christmas tree in the living room?" Sherlock asked displeased. He really wasn't ready to see a huge tree as the first thing when he entered the flat. A month ago he walked into the living room to see four pumpkins occupying the space where all his scientific equipment were before. He remembered finding pumpkin seeds everywhere for the next two weeks because Rosie became too excited and started throwing seeds around. Don't get him wrong, he loved Rosie more than he ever thought he could love someone and would do anything for her but does that mean having to celebrate every holiday in the calendar? Really?

"It's Christmas month!" Rosie said running to him. He couldn't help but smile and bend down to pick her up. There was tinsel wrapped around her neck and Sherlock tried to remove it but Rosie just smacked his hand away.

"How was the case?" John asked coming towards them wearing a ridiculous Christmas jumper. How many bloody jumpers does he even own? Sherlock was positive that he would have to create another room in his mind palace and label it, "John's Wardrobe."

"Have to wait till the autopsy is done. I have two theories. Could go either way," Sherlock answered bending to give John a kiss and Rosie giggled.

"Come and put the ornaments on the tree," she said pointing towards the tree.

"Let him rest a bit sweety. He is tired," John said earning a grateful smile from Sherlock.

"He is not tired, are you tired Papa?" Rosie questioned her eyes wide and filled with concern. 'Papa' Sherlock couldn't help but to smile every time he heard the word. When Rosie started talking she has called John Dada and Sherlock, uncle Sherlly. But it soon changed into Papa. Even now she calls him uncle Sherlly once in a while but Sherlock noticed that the frequency was decreasing. It made him, happy.

"No," Sherlock said kissing the top of her head and keeping her down. "Lead the way." Rosie happily tugged his hand and pulled him towards the tree. Sherlock was put on ornaments hanging duty (Because Papa is taller than you dada!) and John was putting the lights around the tree. Rosie was instructing the both of them on where everything should go.

This is so domestic, Sherlock thought to himself and he looked at John who looked like he could read Sherlock's mind. "You love it," John said smiling. "Who would have thought?" Sherlock said pecking John's lips which was cut short by a loud ewwww from Rosie.

"Do it later. Now finish this," she said and the two adults nod their head and resumed decorating. Both of them struggling to keep a straight face at their bossy little daughter.

It was way past Rosie's bedtime when they were finally done. Throughout the night John kept reminding her about the time but Sherlock took Rosie's side and both of them gave John the puppy dog eyes, so John just simply couldn't say no. "Just this once," he said sternly which earned him a kiss on the cheek.

Once John put Rosie to bed, he went to their room to find Sherlock already in bed, half asleep. Careful not to make any sound, John climbed on to the bed and got under the duvet and wrapped an arm around Sherlock.

"Is she asleep?"

"Yes. She was very sleepy but didn't want to go to bed till it was done."


"Remind you of a certain someone, doesn't it?"

"Does it?" Sherlock decided to play dumb. He was glad he wasn't facing John or the smile on his face would have totally given it away.

"Yes. Someone who doesn't go to sleep for days till they are done with their work. Someone who is so stubborn but yet so brilliant," said John kissing Sherlock's head. Sherlock couldn't hold back his smile anymore and decided to turn around so he would face John.

"We are quite alike, aren't we?" Sherlock questioned. "I read that if you spend a lot of time with someone during their time of development it can influence them as much as or quite as much as genetics."

John chuckled at this. "You read? I thought baby books are boring?"

"Only the ones that tell you how to put them to sleep and what songs to sing! This was a scientific journal," answered Sherlock whose face was all serious. "I just hope she doesn't develop my eating habits. They are terribly unhealthy."

"You don't say?"

"John! This is not a joke!" said Sherlock getting annoyed.

"Okay, okay. I'll be more than happy if she becomes like you."

"You are not worried that I'll be a bad influence?"

"What? Sherlock are you out of your mind? You are not a bad influence, heck you are a great influence! Rosie is so lucky to have you in her life. She'll do great things, just like you."


"No buts Sherlock. Go to sleep," John said switching off the bedside lamp and closing his eyes.

"Fine," said Sherlock resting his head on John's chest. John could swore that he felt Sherlock smiling against his chest.

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