Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Dramalama! Last chapter was a bit meaningless until the end, I guess. Sorry 'bout that.

Sorry about the last upload because it wasn't part of the story. Poppy's dress will be put up the side:)

Quite a short one, today, folks. Only because I liked the ending point. Owell, I don't really write long chapters.

Anyway onto the story! Yeeeee!

🌙🌙🌙 POPPY POV 🌙🌙🌙

It was night; the darkness swept over the sky like a blanket. The now blue-black sky was littered with stars, their bright white light illuminating parts of the sky.

It was hard to think that, for millions of years, the stars and constellations have been a way to tell people's futures and predict ways of life.

For, right now, staring up at the sky, that didn't seem possible.

The warm mug in my hand was drained, the last droplets if chocolate running slowly down the side of the cup.

I sighed.

What was I doing wrong? I asked myself. The same question had been running through my head several times that night. What had I done wrong to make Tom run for 'Danielle'?

I pulled the blanket around me closer and continued to gaze through the glass, sitting comfortably on the window seat.

Sighing once more, I lay my mug down on the small bedside table, letting the memories of this window seat wash over me.

My mother sitting there with me, reading a book.

My mother laughing with me, while I told her a joke.

My mother comforting me when something went wrong.

My mother dying, and me lying there day after day with tears running down my cheeks.

Me sleeping there when I was afraid of my own father.

I held in a wave of tears as the memories faded away.

Why, oh why would Tom do this to me? It didn't seem like him to cause this much pain, especially to the ones he loved most.

Like me.

A single warm tear trickled slowly down my cheek. There was no denying it; that letter said everything. He didn't care about me anymore.

One bright, hopeful strand of light flashed through the sky, and I closed my eyes and wished. I bet you know what I wished for.

Go on, guess.

Tom should be here. He should have got back hours ago. He ruined all my plans. I was going to confront him when he got home.

There was no reason why tears started uncontrollably spilling over. Well, there were plenty of reasons...

My dad returning and wanting me back as his child...

My mother, even though long gone, is dead...

Tom has left me...

Dan and Rupert are away...

I started to sob, my crying echoing through the hallway and rooms of my almost empty house.

Timber came running in almost on cue, her tail drooping. She knew something was wrong. Thankfully, she jumped onto the window seat and snuggled up against me, as my crying turned into unsteady rasps of breath.

"There's no hope anymore, Timber," I sighed.

And, finally, I was engulfed in black. Sleep had overcame me and sorted all my problems.

Well, at least until morning.

Picking the Poppies {on hold}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant