Chapter Three• The past.

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I hated looking at Mark.

But my mind would always want to look at his dark face. His honey orbs looking into my creamy brown ones.

I was tired of it.

The stupid freshman got into my head.

Did I really look at him that much?

Was my head that wrapped around the idea of him that I didn't even notice I was looking at him?

A tennis ball hitting my thigh brought me back to reality. We were currently halfway through practice when my whole knee cramped up, I tried walking it off but the moment Coach saw me limping the slightest bit he sent me to a chair.

  I followed the ball that hit my thigh.

That's when I saw him.


He was currently picking up the ball.

"Sorry Lana, I didn't reach the ball in time and it hit you," he said explaining what happened, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

He turned with a nod and left for the drill again.

We used to be a thing.

Surprised? Nah I don't think you are.

We dated for a while, we got to know each other, he was my first kiss, he was the first person I ever truly trusted before anything.

AND HE LEFT. Saying the most pathetic excuse.  "I can't date you because my parents don't want me dating."

I get it, his parents were strict with his tennis life, every little distraction were red signs everywhere, his parents didn't want to risk him not getting a scholarship because of little mistakes like dating.

Funny story!

He started dating someone one week after he told me his Stupid Moronic Story.

And we stopped talking.

For a month before he came back.

I was naive.

So I accepted him back.

And he left again with the same excuse.

And he came back AGAIN.

We messed around.

Then the day after he left.

Summer came around and it gave me the distance I needed so I could forget about him. Yet, every night, I would have dreams about him, I would cry during the day and sometimes walk at night wondering if he was ever going to come back. Throughout the summer he posted a lot about tennis but slowly I started noticing that I couldn't see his stuff anymore.

He blocked me.

Then I felt dead for the rest of the summer.

Who knew social media could emotionally hurt someone so bad.

And now, he acts like nothing happened.

So fake.

And it's killing me inside not to scream and ask why..

I got my racket from the floor, went back into the line that the Coach currently had on and waited for my turn.

I wanted to get rid of this feeling with a tennis ball.

My turn eventually came and he hit it right to my backhand, in a quick action I hit it cross court and went back to the middle. He immediately hit a ball to my forehand and I did the same once again with a grunt.

Afterwards I went back in the line and waited for my turn again.

"You know, we can all notice that limp."

I looked up and saw Mark looking at me.

"I know, gotta fight through it, right?" I said.

He just smiled probably realizing that he had told me that long ago and turned around.

I looked down at my knee and saw a slight bruising already forming. I clenched my fist hating myself.



Okay, I know there wasn't much tennis stuff going on here but I wanted you to have an idea of what happened between Lana and Mark. So, what do you think! Give me your opinion!!!!!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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