51} Kuebiko

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Sorry it's late, I decided to rewrite the whole chapter because I thought it was really awful so hopefully this is better.

And also...

HOLY HELL WE REACHED 40k READS???  Thank you guys so much, I love you all!

Ezio's pov

A cool wind whips over my bare chest and I shudder, opening my eyes to see the underside of a rose splattered awning. I feel a dull throbbing emanating from my abdomen and the pressure of a tightly wrapped bandage around my body is oddly comforting. 

But what I relish most is the warmth of the body draped partly over mine, their chest expanding and contracting rhythmically as the sleeping woman breathes.

She's as perfect as ever, the sun gently shining on her (s/c) face and shining off of her (h/c) hair. As I breathe a sigh of relief she begins to stir, nuzzling her head into my chest and yawning before blinking herself slowly awake.

"Morning beautiful." I whisper, enjoying her slow smile and tightening grip on me.

"You bastard. You can't just run off and get stabbed; I thought you where dead." She mumbles, pressing her face into my body and starting to shake. "You made me worry so damn much and now I'm sleepy."

"Luckily for you, it takes a lot more than one dagger to kill me." I whisper as I lean down and plant a kiss on the top of her head.

"Lucky for me? I'm not the one who would be dead, idiota."

"Maybe not, but your life would be so dull without me."

She chuckles and lifts her head to look at my face,

"Stop being smug, we have work to do. And by we I mean me because it's your turn to be benched." (Y/n) grins, sticking her tongue out at me and getting out of the bed to stretch and put on her gear.

I groan and sit myself up, a sharp pain spiking through my torso and making me wince loud enough to draw (y/n)'s attention.

"You should lay down, maybe rest in Forli for a few weeks." She raises her arms above her head and stretches them before securing her shoes to her feet. "Me and Fer can get the apple back, you should focus on healing and your friends - Machiavelli, Katerina and your uncle - they should focus on finding those codex pages before the Templars do."

"Since when were you in charge?" I mock as I carefully sit up, swing my legs over the side of the bed and push myself to my feet.

"Since when was I not in charge?"

We both laugh and I draw her into my arms for another embrace. Drawing away slightly, I cup her cheek and lean down to brush my lips against hers, gently pulling her closer with one hand on her waist.

"Ahem. I do hate to interrupt but..." A rough voice sounds from the doorway and (y/n) and I immediately jump away from each other and act natural.

Machiavelli strides primly onto the open rooftop and stares, profusely nonchalant, at us before continuing.

"...there is work to be done. And I also brought what you requested, Ezio."

He hands me a large pile of folded clothes and I feel the smile take over my face as I accept it, feeling (y/n)'s eyes peering intently at the delivery.

"I am needed elsewhere but Katerina will help you find the missing codex pages and I trust your associate will be able to get back the apple you lost?"

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