"Ah! It's hot!" He screamed in pain while Annalise pushed her sister passed the flailing pirate, before she dashed after her sister as they ran for the stairs.

They dashed down the stairs, running for the front door, but the pirates had recovered quicker than they'd expected, and Annalise was forced to screech to a stop as the taller one jumped over the railings to land right in front of her sister.

She turned, only to find they were trapped as the shorter pirate sneered at them menacingly from behind.

'We're doomed.' Annalise thought in dismay as she and Elizabeth pressed against each other tightly.

At that moment, a pirate crashed through the drawing room doors, his arms filled with gold and silverware, and they all glanced at him in surprise before Annalise frowned as there was a loud bang and then a strange whizzing.

She turned again to look and gasped just as a cannon ball came flying through the walls and crashed right into the pirate, sending him flying back through the drawing room doors, gold and all. But more importantly, the cannon ball had gone through one of the mansion pillars, causing the ceiling to shake violently, and both girls looked up sharply.

"Go!" Annalise ordered her sister as she thrust her poker at the pirate in front of them, hitting him in the side and forcing him to stumble out of their way.

Elizabeth ran, dashing one way towards the drawing room as the chandelier fell from above, while Annalise ran for the other side and into the kitchens, the pair splitting up in the hopes of getting the pirates to split.

Annalise gasped as she ran inside the kitchen, only to be faced with another pirate. He stared in surprise at first, before roaring and rushing at her as he drew his sword. Annalise reacted instinctively, holing out her poker and blocking the strike.

A look of surprise crossed the pirate's face and Annalise used the moment to use her grip on the poker to change her parry into a jab, shoving her entire weight forward as Will had taught her and hitting the pirate in the face with the sharp poker. He screamed in pain while Annalise used the opportunity to run, dashing out the back door and outside.

She raced for the trees, using them to shield her against the eyes of the pirate as she ran for all she was worth towards the front gates and then out into the streets, heading for the fort. She prayed Estrella had made it before her, but Annalise knew that there was a good chance she hadn't been able to. And there was no way they would be able to stop the pirates unless they had help from the guards.

'Please, just let Lizzy be safe until then.' She begged as she ran for the fort, ducking and dodging any pirate or fight that blocked her way.

It was surprisingly easy to reach the fort, for the pirates were easily distracted by other prey – Annalise shuddered as she thought the word – though she did have to defend herself a few times. And each time she did, she sent a thankful prayer to the heavens that she'd listened to Will during her 'lessons' with him. Otherwise she'd have been long dead by then.

"James!" Annalise cried as she raced onto the fort, where the Navy were busy trying to fire back at the pirate ship. Ship, she realized – singular. They were losing to one ship. And not just that- it was a ship she recognized, one she'd recently seen again in her dreams of her memories from eight years ago.

'Oh, sweet Lord.' She thought, but she pushed it aside as she ran across the battlements, shouting for the familiar white-wigged figure standing at the top and shouting orders: "James!"

"Annalise?" He asked, bewildered, as he turned to her. "What on earth are you doing out here? Get inside!"

"It's Lizzy!" Annalise cried, cutting right to the chase. "We got attacked at the mansion, and she's still stuck there!"

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