Chapter 4- Starting the Tour

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Bailee's POV-

(Two weeks after she's been adopted)

I've been with the boys for a couple weeks now. I must admit they are growing on me. I've been eating a little more finally.

Today we also go on tour. I already have my stuff packed for the bus and that's a lot. The boys took me shopping last week and bought half the mall and maybe a little extra. Right now I just have on a t-shirt and skinny jeans with TOMS.

"Bailee! The bus is here so lets go! C'mon lads!" Liam yells from downstairs. I pull my phone off the charger and pull my bag behind me. The rest of my stuff is down stairs. For the next few months I'm going to do virtual school and see how I do. At least there isn't any bullying again.

I reach our living room and see a ginormous bus outside. It's red and black I think. I follow Louis out and he locks the door behind him. I run to the bus and climb the steep steps to get on. There is medium sized living room, with a couch and big tv and a kitchen off to the other side. There are spiral steps and I go up them to find the bunk beds. All of the boys are in there unpacking into their drawers.

"You get the bunk above mine and there is a little attached table on the side of the bed frame for you to put stuff." Niall says and I climb up still hauling my bag. I pull up a little thing on the side and he's right. It's like a little table. I leave my stuff on the bed and put down sheets and a duvet like the rest of the guys. I bought a twin size comforter set. The sheets are a red color and the cover is a British flag with blue, red, and white pillows to match. I jump off the bed and hit the floor with at thud.

"Oh my god are you okay? Did you fall?!" Liam worries like a dad. I just laugh and stand up. "No I jumped. I'm fine though. Where's the bathroom?" I ask and he just chuckles at me. "Down the stairs and to the right. I follow his instructions and put my bathroom bag under the sink. We've only been driving for about 45 minutes now and I don't even know where we are going.

I come out and go to the kitchen. Niall is already in there getting some chips and salsa. I take one and get a water bottle. "What do you do for fun on here?" I ask him. "Well we play the Xbox or watch a film, sleep, and stop for breaks to do something fun when we have a chance but we get really busy." He says sighing. He picks me up like a 5 year old and sets me on the counter.

"My god your light. How much do you weigh?!" he says laughing. I shrug and he just drops the subject, knowing I don't want to talk about it from the look on my face. "What am I supposed to do when you are gone and having a concert or recording or something else?" I ask a little worried I would be alone. "You would come with used course! Or maybe Eleanor could stay with you. When we get to where we are going, we are going to pick her up and she is allowed to come on your with us because she's on break." He explains.

I nodded my head like I understood. Who's Eleanor? I've heard the name but never met her or anything. "If you didn't know she's Louis girlfriend. She's really excited to meet you." Niall adds answering my questions. Just at that moment, Louis comes out and meets us at the counter. "The driver said we should be there in about 20 minutes." He says poking my side which makes me laugh a little. I jump off the counter and go to the couch. It's a little odd to be living on a bus instead of our flat.

I search for the remote and find it under a couch cushion. I turn on the TV and flip through channels. I go past one and I see my face on the screen. I go back to that channel and its Celebrity News. I start listening to the person talking. She has on wayyy to much make up and could that shirt get any tighter? "Who is this mystery girl being seen with One Direction. Nothing has been given up on Twitter so far but this girls Twitter has been found and she is followed by all the boys." She says and puts a picture of twitter on the screen.

I almost forgot I haven't been introduced yet. They are doing that at their first concert. Zayn set up a twitter for me like a week ago and these stalker fans already found it. I haven't checked my mentions in a while because I'm scared of what they will say. I change the channel when the lady moves on to talking about Taylor Swift.

We eventually get to where we are going. (I'm just going to pick a place close to London they are going to. Just go with it.) I think it's called Brighton. "Louis when are we getting El?" I ask and he comes out of the kitchen where we were earlier. "In a few minutes. She's meeting us at her hotel."

He's right. A few minutes later a girl comes on with bags. She's really pretty, lots better looking than me. She looks at me and smiles. I return it and Louis takes her stuff up the steps. El runs up to me. "Oh you must be Bailee! You are so cute! Louis talks non-stop about you. I really hope we can be good friends." She says genuinely happy. "You are so pretty!' is all I can get out. She laughs and pulls me to the couch to sit down.

I think we will get along just fine. I need to have another girl around.

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