We sat in the room when Diana sent me a message.


Calummmm Let's hang out and cuddle I'm bored please

I elbowed Kat nodding my head as the signal. She understood and began to strip her clothes I did as well.

As we messed the covers up we got in an awkward position for us both. I held myself up , an arm on either side of her head.

"We should do this more often" Kat joked




Calum reply I'm lazy to get up pleasee.


I know you're awake poo face




Ugh I'm coming down right now Hood -.-

"Well Diana is finally coming. Should we uhm?" She coughed, "I guess so" I chuckled leaning forward. Uncomfortably we both moved our lips against each other's.

I heard the door knob twist open, I guess Kat did too she stopped for a bit.

Plan going well so far...

"WHAT THE HELL CALUM!" Diana 'angrily' screamed at the top of her lungs.

Pretending to be startled I climbed off of Kat and we both covered ourselves.

Before we knew it the boys had made their way to my room and they crowded the hallway with their questions. "What happened here?" Ashton asked , "Calum is cheating on me!" She sobbed . Luke pulled her into his chest and walked off with her. "Calum what the actual fuck?" Ashton spat. "I-I needed some ... Yeh know and Diana wouldn't do that for me so I got Kat to come through" I pointed to Kat , she wiggled her four fingers as a sign of hello. "You ruined it Cal!" Ashton yelled. "Kat I think it's best if you put your clothes on and left" I smiled weakly. She nodded and as soon as she was fully dressed she ran out the door.

"I-I'm sorry Ashton I was just in desperate need, don't you understand?" I reasoned. "Well of course I do but, now what? You lost your chance and our opportunity for this." He stared out the window his eyes catching onto something in the distance. "Maybe we should just drop it Ash , if not then you'll have to get another one of us to do it." My breath hitched and it felt like my heart stopped as I waited for his reply. "I know just the guy" Ashton smirked before turning away and closing the door behind him.


Michael's POV:

I sat there Diana in my hands now , Luke had left to go get Diana a throw blanket and some water to calm her. She was in full on tears snuggled into my chest heavily breathing. No matter how hot my body was , I only cared if Diana was okay or not.

I should whisper cheesy pick up lines into her ear to make her smile.

"Are you a parking ticket? Because damn you got FINE written all over you" I whispered slowly

Diana let out a soft giggle "that was horrible" she laughed.

"Okay how about ... Do you have a bandaid ? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you"I whispered once more in her ear.

I guess it did because she had a giggle fit , it was so cute."That one was adorable but weird" she chuckled.

"I'm not a photographer , but I can picture me and you together" I winked , even though she couldn't see it.

"Cheesiest one , I like it" she laughed smiling at me .

"Well here you go Diana " Luke smiled handing her a water bottle to clear her most likely dry throat. My throat gets dry as well if I cry as much as she had in the past 15 minutes. Luke laid the blanket over Diana and partially me since I'm holding the broken girl.

"Well I'm off to bed night guys , feel better Diana . I'd hate to see you even more torn tomorrow." Luke waved as he disappeared into the darkness.

"How you feeling sugar plum pie?" I cooed , getting a laugh out of her .

"Really sugar plum pie?? And better thanks to you " She smiled hugging me for a brief moment. "Yes , the made up pie in my empty noggin." I knocked on my head "..Yep it's empty" Diana laughed. "Hey! No it isn't I heard a noise" I crossed my arms over my chest in protest against Diana's words.

"Fine fine , all you have is a brain that's empty." She giggled repositioning herself to face up at me .


I was sitting cross legged on the couch Diana lying in my lap as we talked about the most random-est stuff ever.

"Let's go to Walmart right now and get some snacks" Diana whined. "But it's 3am!" I sighed. "And? 3am is only a time who cares!" She dragged.

"Who's going to take us??" I rose an eyebrow at her . "A taxi duh!"

"Yes , the one with a creepy murderer inside because it's 3am the time to kill then yes let's go." I tried to rationalize with her but it didn't work she sprung out of my lap and dialed a taxi.

"I'm going to kill you Diana" I shuffled myself to my shoes and began to put them on.

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