"You're too quick, old man, and too odd for most here. How are things on your farm?"

"Trying to change the topic, are you?"

"Yes, I do not wish to speak of my daughter. I've had enough."

"In denial, are you? Your daughter is a woman. Everyone in the village sees her as a woman. Perhaps, you should begin to see her as a woman too."

"Listen, friend, I do not wish to speak more of her. Is that understood?"

"Yes, yes. Well, how goes these talks of the three offenders over there?" he said nodding in the direction to where Buko, Shitsu, and Tonono were standing between several guards.

"There is no question that Shitsu and Tonono will receive a punishment appropriate for their involvement in the crime, but Kono will protect his brother, he has much sway with the Elders. I do not know how severe Buko's punishment will be?"

"Why is it so easy to punish Shitsu and Tonono? They are allied to Kono, are they not?"

"Yes, that is true, but there is not much Kono can do about the debts they owe to Elder Haru."

"How he became an Elder, I will never know," the old farmer said shaking his head. "Well, it is good to hear that justice is in good order here. No different than in Atlantis, I say."

"You should watch your tongue in this place, old man."

"You are right, Rakima. I am old, and because I am I have nothing to lose. My years are spent. No one's favor do I need." The old farmer then shouldered past Rakima, but Rakima grabbed his arm and asked, "What did you mean by that?"

"I know it must be difficult for you, Rakima. I am not a fool–yes I am," he smiled. "You are protecting the interests of your kin in this place. Your older brother, Tsuwata, has many debts to be paid to Kono, does he not? His gambles have afforded him nothing but a rotten child."

"Shut your mouth, old man. You do not know of my brother's circumstances."

"And what of the circumstances of Kieko and his mother? They are honest and good, but in this place, it will gain them nothing. I am here in their favor. I cannot be swayed or bought."

"You watch yourself," he warned again with anger deep in his voice.

The old farmer paid no attention to Rakima's final words and walked away.

The seven Elders were sitting on their wooden thrones, which were collectively positioned in an arc that was centered before the long thatched wall farthest from the entrance. Chief Elder Subo, who was seated at the center of the arc of thrones, stood up and said aloud, "Let us begin. Quiet your talks and take your seats Ikishi men."

The crowd of men began hushing at each other, sitting down on the ground, and waiting until all was silent.

"It has been brought to our attention," the Chief Elder began, "that a crime has been committed against a woman in our village. Shinsei, who came upon the crime, has already explained to us–the Elders–that both Shitsu and Tonono stood guard before the house of Nishiaka while Buko abused and raped Madonai within it. Whether or not Shitsu and Tonono beat or had the intention to abuse and rape Madonai cannot be discerned, but they were accomplices to the acts committed by Buko. As a result, we, the Elder men, have decided that both Shitsu and Tonono will be punished by sowing and reaping the fields of Haru's lands for no less than seven years–"

"Are you mad!" old farmer Toasu contested.

"Who speaks? Stand before all!" Elder Subo commanded as the crowd of men began to whisper. The old farmer took his time to stand and when Elder Subo saw the old farmer's weathered face near one of the hut's four wooden pillars he said with ridicule, "Well, if it is not the hermit of Kadek."

Dark Legacy: Book I - TrinityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz