waiting unnecessary hours

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Makoto stayed up all night, he couldn't sleep and was deeply worried for her. She should have been back hours ago. He got off work 3 hours before. It is 4 in the morning and Makoto was sitting in the living room in the dark. The moon seemed to be the only light coming through the window.

// reader p.o.v. //

Oh no... I can't find my phone! I knew I left it in my purse. I probably have to ask Yuta to turn around.
"Yuta can you turn around I think I lost my phone somewhere."
Yuta laughed.
"Don't you remember giving me your phone? Here." Yuta handed your phone which had a notification light on it.
As you opened the screen you noticed 5 missed calls from Makoto.
"Oh no my friend was worried about me... please hurry Yuta!" You said happily and lightheartedly. During Karaoke you had a few drinks but you were somewhat of a light weight.

You said goodnight to Yuta and walked into the apartment.
"It's so dark in here... I'm...I can't find a light switch..." you had your arms out trying to make your way to your room. You noticed something in the chair by the window where the moon was the only dim light source.
"What is that?" You whispered squinting your eyes. Suddenly it moved. It was the silhouette of a tall man. He walked towards you.
"Eh! What the!" You started to tremble, it reminded you of your childhood nightmares. Suddenly the lights were on. Makoto was standing in front of you while his hand was behind you where the light switch was.
"Makoto! You scared me, why were you sitting alone in the dark?" You said looking up at him. You tried to move closer to the wall behind you but Makoto was closing the space between each other.
"I'm sorry, did I scare you?"
He smiled and looked into your eyes. You noticed something different about them. He started to step back.
"Sorry I... I have no right to act like this..." Makoto whispered enough for you to hear.
You started to feel dizzy and lightheaded.
"Makoto, what in the world are you talkin bout... I should be sorry! I worried my dear friend." You said with your eyes glistening and face hinted with red.
Makoto took in your appearance. He liked what he was seeing. He never seen you wear such revealing clothes. He knew you had been drinking since you looked more blushed.
"Come sit down, you don't... look well." Makoto said while blushing.
"Okay!" You said. Somehow you stumbled and fell on top of him.
What an awkward situation it has turned out to be.
Makoto stared into your eyes and you genuinely smile. Then you felt even more lightheaded and accidentally slightly touched his lips with yours.
"So... this is the kind of girl you are." Makoto whispered as he gently took you off him. Both you and Makoto where sitting on the floor facing each other.
"Makoto I'm sorry I didn't mean to get in your personal space, I just don't fee-" you were cut off.
"Personal space?" He started to snicker. "No, you kissed me... and I'm sure I wasn't the only one tonight. Yuta, who is he? A boyfriend? Why did you kiss me if you have one?" He took a hold of your arms and held you close to him. He started to breath in your scent. You started to feel tingly, and kind of euphoric.
"Makoto, I'm so tired... let's talk tomorrow Okay?" You whispered in his ear. His grip became tight and you started to wince.
"Please..." You said. He let go of you, got up and walked towards his room. You got up after and went to your room.
As Makoto was about to sleep he thought about how oddly he acted.

"What am I doing?" He said then drifting off to sleep.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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