Roan Black - Twenty-eight

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Chapter Twenty-eight

Audrey was so out of it that when she finally managed to open her eyes she didn't move. For all she knew she was seeing things again. She had, had the strangest dreams, ones that left her confused of reality. Blood. The smell was so- real. But, the more she blinked and tried to adjust to the dim lighting the more she realized that she was actually awake this time. She turned her head slowly, her whole body felt as if it was humming. Sitting up slowly, she finally realized that she was in Roan's room. Looking around further, she realized she was alone. The fact made her frown, she was sure she'd heard Roan's voice at one point, but then with her dreams she may have been imagining that as well.

Standing slowly, her eyes widened when she didn't feel pain or even stiffness. Besides the slight aching sensation in her stomach she felt perfectly fine. Her memories of what had happened came to her, but the more she thought about it the more she wasn't sure what happened. She was kidnapped.. strapped to a table... bitten..

Her hand immediately went to her neck, but found no soreness or broken skin. Was that another dream? She swallowed the sudden panic that rose in her at the thought and decided if she wanted answers she'd have to get them herself. Walking to Roan's door, she opened it and peeked outside. She didn't hear anyone or see anyone, but moved down the hall. "Hello?" She called out, hoping someone was here.

Tessa was the first to hear Audrey. At first, she'd assumed she was hearing things, but when she rounded the corner and saw Audrey standing there looking slightly fearful she rushed forward. "Audrey, your awake!"

Audrey felt instant relief when she saw Tessa come towards her. She then remembered the last time she saw Tessa and frowned. "I'm freaking out Tessa. I'm so confused. What the hell happened?"

Tessa stiffened, she knew Roan wouldn't like it, but Tessa reached out with her mind to Audrey's and saw the confusion. "Why don't you come sit down with me, I'll go get Roan. He'll be very upset that he wasn't there when you woke up." Tessa helped Audrey to the couch, nodding when she sat. "I'll be right back." Tessa rushed out of the room, heading towards the bathroom. She knocked on the door, "Roan. Audrey's awake. She's sitting in the living room."

A mere second passed and the bathroom door swung open. "She woke up?"

The relief she saw on her brother's face made her chest ache. Though he'd been strong the last four three day's, she knew that he was beginning to have doubts. "Yes, but Roan!" She caught his arm as he tried to pass. She let go when he turned on her, staring at her with a mix of frustration and confusion. "You need to know, she's suffering a lot of confusion. She apparently had dreams while she was out of it, but now that she's awake she doesn't know what was real and what wasn't. She didn't feel the mark on her neck from Raven, and now believes that she's going crazy. I think it would be best for Drake and I to be there when you explain everything."

Roan frowned. Of course she would be confused. He hadn't thought that it would be so bad, but now hearing his sister explain to him the depths of her confusion he knew it would be unwise to refuse the potential help his sister and brother would bring him. It was hard for him to reason that out when honestly, all he wanted to do was rush to her side and take her into his arms. Though he'd laid beside her, he felt like she wasn't really there and it was a horrible feeling.

"I understand. Find Drake." Roan didn't wait for his sister to stop him again, but moved with determination to the living room. He paused when he saw Audrey sitting there, looking around and rubbing her neck as if she still felt something there. He didn't need to be able to read her mind to know she was confused, the look was there on her face. "Audrey.."

Audrey's head jerked up at the sound of Roan's voice. Her eyes took in his appearance and from the wetness that still dripped from his hair she knew he'd just come from the shower. A part of her mind relished in watching the water drops play against his skin, while another part of her mind recalled what had happened within her dream. He wasn't human. He was something that she thought was only made up in stories and movies. At the moment, she wasn't sure what was what and just the thought of voicing her questions made her feel insane. If that was the case, how would Roan feel when she asked him if he was a vampire? Looking away from Roan, she looked at her clutched fingers and swallowed.

Roan Black ✔ #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now