2: The Catch

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My parents had mixed reactions when they heard about the house agreement. Dad is more lenient than my mom. He believes that it's time for me to become independent. He also pointed out that it would be a great experience for me to know the value of money. My mom, however, doesn't want me to lease the house. She is my number one antagonist. She often disagrees with my decisions in life.

It didn't help when she learned from my brother that I am going to cohabitate with my former male classmate. And how I just hate it when my older brother told mom about it without even asking me first.

To say that she was vexed was the understatement of the year. However, since she's far away and could only chastise me on the phone, she just settled with a lengthy conversation and a barrage of questions about Arnold. Although it can't be helped, I still couldn't believe that I'm being grilled about trivial matters. Matters such as Arnold's religion, educational background, socioeconomic status, and even his parents' nature of business--are glaring indicators that my mom is screening Arnold not as my housemate but as a partner.

It's not as if I am getting married. It's just sharing the house and everything that it covers. It's not like I'm playing house with someone I just met. 'Though it seems like that because of this unconventional set-up. Argh... It's really difficult when you were raised by an old-fashioned family. Everything is a big deal. And I hate it.

It kinda baffles me that my family is getting sidetracked with the person I'm going to live with than the fact that I hastily decided to lease a house. The last time they got involved with my love life was when I was still with Brenth.

I knew that my relationship with Brenth was not only mine. I've known him since high school and he has been a permanent fixture in my life since then. For some reason, my family welcomed him as part of our family in spite of how old-fashioned my parents were.

My mom was as heartbroken as I was when Brenth and I broke up. She treated him as her second son. In fact, she seemed to favor him more than my brother, Hero. I've never told them why we broke up. Perhaps, they needed the closure more than I do. However, Brenth and I are really over. It was a very painful break-up. It has only been a couple of years and it is relatively fresh. I'm not really looking for a rebound or any kind of romantic relationship at all. No matter how attractive and irresistible Arnold could be.


Not all single girls are desperate to be in a relationship. Sure, I have been single for quite a while but I'm not THAT desperate to be with someone right now. I guess, my brother thinks otherwise. Like a curious cat, my brother kept on bugging me for days about Arnold because he believes that he knows him and he probably thinks that he could dissuade either of us to lease the house. 

Like most brothers, Hero always thinks that he knows every kid in the block. He won't give up easily no matter how hard I try to conceal my former classmate's identity.  And since I'm also quite curious about what he has to say, I had no other choice but to spill the beans.

"Okay. His name is ..." I hesitated.

"What's the matter? Why can't you just tell me his name?" Hero was pissed about the suspense but I'd rather he get pissed than to hear that he knows Arnold.

I dread to hear the things he might say about him. What's worse is that I'm actually afraid that he might overshare some things about me.

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