Insecure Love Pt. 2

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Warning this has sexual content so if you are uncomfortable with that please skip. Thank you!
I kissed Ethan back with all I had. He had no idea how much it hurt to see him second guess himself and send himself into a downward spiral. So I just tried to put so much love into the kiss. I move my hands from his back and chest to his sides, running them up and down lightly causing him to shiver. I licked his bottom lip and turned my head to intensify the kiss. He opened his mouth as I smiled into the kiss and entered his mouth. Everything about Ethan was like an addiction that I just couldn't shake nor did I want to. I could feel him panting and released his lips from mine. He wrapped his legs around my hips and rested his forehead against mine.

"Do you want to stay here or go up stairs?" He shrugged "Up to you babe." Personally I wanted to go upstairs. The couch, as nice as it is to be close to each other,It's hard to move around comfortably. I just watched his face as he thought. He couldn't be more perfect and handsome, and I can't wait to see that wonderful body.

"Can we...can we go upstairs. The couch is a little.." I cut off his blubbering lips with a kiss and a smile. As much as his anxiety sometimes blows up and makes things hard. When it was little stuff like this. It sounds bad. But I can't help but think how cute he is.

"Of course we can" I smile at him and calms down immediately. I turn to swing my legs off the couch "hold on" and stand up with a squealing Ethan. His laugh is music to my ears. And I wish I heard it more often.

I open the door to the bed room and set him down on his bed. I go over to the night stand and open the last drawer. I pull out the bottle of lube and place it at the bottom of the bed as I begin to crawl over him.

His face is much more relaxed now than it was down stairs. I start kissing him again and push his shirt up. I start working my way up to his nipples squeezing them lightly once I got there. He gasped and I took the opportunity to deepen the kiss.

Realizing he would need break soon so he wasn't overwhelmed I pulled away looked into his eyes and moved down to kiss his neck. He starts whimpering and squirming under me. I move to right under his ear to suck and leave my mark. To remind him when ever he looks in a mirror and sees his handsome face. That I'm here. And that he is mine and I am his.

I sit up and pull his shirt off of him and admire the amazing body that's in font of me. His collar bone is defined and chest pale and perfect. His abs can be seen easily and are proof of all his the hard long hours he's put into gymnastics. And his hip bones stick out, Just enough to still be healthy. He starts squirming again and I realize I've been starring and making him anxious.

I smile softly and run my hands up and down his chest in a comforting manner.
"Your body. Is so perfect. So strong. So hot...Such a turn on." I watch his face go red and I chuckle and kiss him. I love teasing him like this. I pull back and take off my shirt as well and he grabs my arms, basically telling me not to move. He runs his hands up and down my abdomen and along my scars. I let him do as he pleases not really knowing what he was doing exactly or why. He looks up at me his eyes wide and almost teary. I was about to stop everything when he opened his mouth-

"I love you. I love you so much Tyler. So damn much." The worry was erased with a sweet sensation that only Ethan can give me. I smile and lean down to hold his face in my hands.
"I love you too Ethan. More than you know." I smile and wipe under his eyes to make sure he wasn't crying. His eyes dried up and I kissed him. It started off soft but soon turned into lust.

I move down and pull down his pants and boxers and slowly start to pump. At this point we'd be pleasuring each other but he's had a hard day and I want to treat him. He started moving his hand up to his mouth but I caught his hand with my spare one and looked up to his blushing face.

Tythan (Tyler X Ethan) one shots (fluff and smut)Where stories live. Discover now