Chapter Eight* - It's Obvious He Likes You

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PICTURE OF CALLIE ON THE SIDE------------------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>

“What?” I asked, confused. I felt as if there was something going on that I didn't know about. Callie and Cole were looking at me, then they shared a 'look.' Callie was the first to speak, of course.

“He’s hot.” She blurted out and Cole looked at her, surprised or shocked. Maybe a mix of both.

“Do you guys know Ian?” I asked them, getting straight to the point. I glanced back at Ian but he wasn't paying any attention to us anymore. In fact, he was intentionally avoiding eye contact. Hopefully, it was because he regretted what he did.

“Who?” Callie asked. I rolled my eyes. She wasn't a very good actress.

“Him.” I said, pointing towards Ian. “The hot guy.”

Oh.” She said. “Him. Yeah, we don’t know who he is, but he’s got a really nice body. Have you seen his abs? I bet they’re hard.”

“They are.” I said, trying to figure Callie out and not thinking about what was coming out of my mouth. Callie and Cole looked at me surprised.

“How do you know that, Eira?” Cole asked me. “Do you know him?”

No.” I scolded myself for being such a hypocrite. For someone who just criticized Callie’s lying, I wasn't doing a very good job at it myself.

Cole and Callie glanced at each other before looking at me, skeptically. “I think you do.” Callie said with a sly grin on her face. My eyes widened at the confidence in her voice when she said that. She noticed me and grinned even wider. A few more seconds and Callie would be jumping up and down in excitement. “Oh my gosh! You do! How do you know him?” She asked with a grin, calming her excitement down a little bit.

“I don’t know him.” I said, stubbornly, just as the bell rang. I groaned. “See, look what you did. I was supposed to give you a tour and now, we’re all going to be late to class and you guys have no idea where your class is.”

Callie and Cole pulled out their schedules. They looked up at me, simultaneously. “Heimlich, first period.” The twin thing is going to take a while to get used to.

“That’s my class, too.” I said, defeated by fate. “I guess you can come with me, but let me warn you, Mr. Heimlich can be a very strict teacher.” Cole and Callie smiled, and Cole spoke this time, which, I have to admit, surprised me.

“No worries. Callie and I can take him.” He said, confidently with a smirk on his face. I shrugged.

“It’s your choice, I guess.” I said, leading the way. It was still fairly early so I figured the class would be pretty empty right now.

I opened the door and we entered the classroom. Mr. Heimlich was sitting at his desk and I motioned for Callie and Cole to go to him. I went over to my desk and sat down, noticing that Mallory wasn't at the desk beside me yet. She couldn't possibly be ditching. It wasn't like her to ditch. Something had to be very, very wrong.

“Yes?” Mr. Heimlich asked when he finally noticed Cole and Callie standing in front of him. 

“Hello, my name is Callista West and this is Cole West.” Callie started off. “We’re in your clas starting from today.” Mr. Heimlich raised his eyebrows.

“New students? Welcome to English.” He said. “Let’s find you seats. The ones in the back are empty. Callista, you can take the seat beside Eira on the left and Cole can sit right behind you.” He said, jotting this down on the seating chart.

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