Chapter 2

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Colin: Why didn't you answer me last night?  Was she hot?

Finn: She's beautiful, but it's not what you think.

Colin: What's going on?

Finn: Well, you know I've been worried about Rory, right?

Colin: Yeah, so?

Finn: I texted her, and we had dinner last night.

Colin: Holy shit!  Logan is gonna flip, even though you are just friends!

Finn: She needs a friend, and you know I've always had a soft spot for her.

Colin: I know, but you know Logan....

Finn: Yes, I do, but she's......pregnant.

Colin: Pregnant?!  WTF!

Finn: With Logan's baby.

Colin: How did we not know?

Finn: Guess he's keeping it quiet.  No need to let the Dark Lord know.

Colin: I'm here if she needs me, too!  I miss Mother!

Finn: I think, right now, we should leave it to me.  Don't want to get too crazy right away!

Colin: Keep me posted.  I've been worried about her, too, and more now that I know she's pregnant.

Finn: I will.  Don't tell anyone else, ok?

Colin: Ok.  Take care of our girl!

Finn went about his business and got ready for the day.  He took a long, hot shower.  He thought about the events of the day before.  Rory had been out of his life for months, but never far from his mind.  She was his only female friend, as most women he knew ended up in his bed.  He couldn't stand seeing her hurt and wanted to make sure she was protected.  His phone buzzed, alerting him to a text.

Rory: I'm sorry I fell asleep last night.

Finn: It's ok.  I've heard pregnancy makes you very tired.  Hope you don't mind that I put you into bed.  I figured it would be more comfortable than the couch, Love.

Rory: I was wondering how I got into bed.  Thanks!

Finn: And to repay me, you can let me take you out again tonight!

He didn't know what was compelling him to give up his Saturday night, but he truly missed hanging out with Rory.  Their friendship had withstood the test of time, and it always felt as if no time had passed whenever they got together.  He also needed a break from the skirt-chasing game.

Rory: That's some interesting logic, Finn, but you don't have to give up your Saturday night for me!

Finn: Love, you need to eat.  I know you!  Why not eat with a friend instead of alone?

Rory: Really, Finn.  I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

Finn: You owe me, remember?  I put you in your bed so you didn't wake up all cramped and sore from sleeping on the couch.

Rory knew resistance was futile with Finn.  She could say no to Logan, but not to her favorite Aussie.  Besides, she did need to eat, and it was much nicer dining with someone than alone, as had been her norm.  She'd been feeling far too isolated lately.

Rory: Ok.  You drive a tough bargain, Finn.

Finn: Then it's settled.  I'll pick you up at 6.  Dress up, would ya, Love?

Rory: Dress up?  What for?  You don't need to take me anywhere fancy....

Finn: You'll see.  Now, do as I ask, and I'll be there at 6!

Rory wondered what kind of tricks Finn had up his sleeve, but welcomed the surprise.  She didn't have a lot of dressy clothes, thanks to her growing bump, but she'd make do with what she had.  Half of dressing up was accessories, which she had in abundance thanks to Grandma and Logan.  He had bought her a lot of jewelry, even when it was the Vegas agreement.  She didn't want to think about him anymore, as she'd already give him far too much of her life.

Finn decided that after dinner, he'd take her to the theatre.  She loved the theatre, as did he, but no one really knew that about him.  He wanted to make it a special night.  She deserved a little spoiling by a friend who could do just that for her.  Facing this pregnancy alone had to be difficult for her, and he wanted to do anything he could to ease her burden.  He had the means to do so, and she was a friend in need.

Rory watched a limo pull up in front of her house a few minutes before 6.  Her doorbell rang, and there stood Finn.  He was wearing a suit and looked dashingly handsome.  She never really noticed this before, but she remembered him being fairly good-looking when she first met him.  The Australian accent certainly didn't make him any less attractive.

"A limo?  What's this about, Finn?"

The sight of her took his breath away.  He tried to hide his reaction to her glowing beauty.  Pregnancy certainly agrees with her, he thought.  He knew he shouldn't be thinking this way.  Rory is his best mate's ex, and she was carrying Logan's baby.  He was sure she didn't think of him in that way either.

"You'll see soon enough, now, get in!" He replied with a smile.

"Ok, but you're really spoiling me," she replied.

"And how's that a problem?"

"Shouldn't you be saving this for a girlfriend?"

The response stung Finn more than it should.  He had no interest in having a girlfriend and never had for that matter.  He knew Rory wasn't trying to be mean, and she wasn't one for getting spoiled.  She's an easy girl to please and didn't need to have the world served to her on a silver platter.

"You know I'm not that kind of guy, Darling!  Besides, I'm having fun hanging out with you," he replied.

"You are too good to me, Finn," Rory said, smiling.

Finn took her to ON20 with views of Hartford and the Connecticut River from the twentieth floor.  The food was delicious and the views were breathtaking.  He still couldn't get over how gorgeous she looked tonight.  He had never really looked at her in this way before.  He reminded himself that they were friends and nothing more.  After dinner, they walked to Hartford Stage for a showing of The Comedy of Errors.

"You did not have to do this!" Rory said.

When did Finn get so wonderful? She thought as they were shown to their seats.

"I had no idea you liked theatre," she stated.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," he answered, mysteriously.

"Oh?" Rory's interest had been piqued.

"All in due time, Ms. Gilmore.  A man never reveals all of his secrets at once," he replied, grinning.

"And since when have you been one to keep secrets, Finn?"

"I guess you don't know me as well as you thought," he said with a wink.

"No, I guess not," she said with a growing smile.

If I didn't know better, I'd think he was flirting with me.  Then again, he's always been a flirt, she thought.

Finn and Rory enjoyed the play.  After, the limo returned the friends to Rory's house.  They were laughing and joking when they walked through the front door.  Finn took Rory's jacket and hung it on the hook by the door.  She kicked off her heels and felt instant relief.

"Ahhh, that feels so much better!  My feet are not fond of heels anymore," she said.

"But you look good in them, Love," Finn replied, blushing a bit at his honesty.

They walked into the living room and found they were not alone.

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