Chapter Five

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     Mizuki clenched her heart. She tilted her head to the side and smiled with tears running down her face. She wondered out loud, "Why do I have the sudden urge to kick a rat and shoot myself afterwards from the guilt?" She wiped her tears away and shrugged it off. She laid down on the cement floor in the middle of an alley way. She rolled her eyes. "It's nothing." She crawled into a trashcan and smiled, "Ahh, sleep tight!" and fell asleep.

The strange teen entered her dream world. Her very purple dream world. She looked up at the God of time and bowed jokingly. "Greeting all powerful one!" She snickered. Murmur is surrounded by piles of manga. Mizuki rolled her eyes. "You can make a castle just fit for you with those books, you purple haired troll." She saw Murmur's eyebrow twitch and laughed. "I'm kidding," She walked closer to the small thing and smiled creepily, "Go make a bridge." Murmur threw a book at the rude teen and looked away from Mizuki and to Deus. "Why did you think it was a good idea to add her into the game!" Deus said, "You wanted to add her to the game." Murmur yelled, "You didn't have to accept it!" Mizuki smiled.

Deus faced the strange teen. "You." Mizuki put a hand on her cheek. "Oh little ol' me?" She looked back at Murmur. "Not as little as that though." She looked away and snickered as Murmur raged. Deus said. "Shut up!" Mizuki rolled her eyes in annoyance. "What is it?" She looked at her nails. "You may be a God, but you have no control over me. Once I win this game, I will be God! So . . . " She put a hand on her head. "No . . . Don't get ahead on yourself . . . Who knows? Mizuki might get herself killed before she becomes God!" She laughed hysterically.

Meanwhile in the real world, people pass by the trashcan that has been laughing non-stop for more that a minute or two.

Murmur shook her head. "She's a good choice, but so difficult to work with." "SHUT UP DWARF!" Mizuki snapped. Deus agreed with Murmur. "You're absolutely right, Murmur." Mizuki glared at the time God. "I didn't ask for your judgement." Deus ignored the unstable teen. "But she does make things interesting." Her frown turned into a huge, wide smile. "Judge me all you want!" She glared at Murmur before she could say anything. The purple haired thing kept her mouth shut.

Deus said, "Mizuki, I want you to lay low for a while." Mizuki collapsed on the floor. "Like this?" Murmur laughed. Deus grunted. "Don't do anything. I don't want them finding out about you yet." The 14 year old sat up straight, "All I have been doing is nothing! I was going to do a big reveal a day or two after today!" She crossed her arms, "You are NOT making this entertaining for me!" She burst out in tears. "Stop ruining my plans!" Mizuki cried a river. She's acting like a toddler who didn't get the toy she wanted.

Murmur sweat dropped. "Bipolar?" Mizuki couldn't stop crying. Deus said. "Mizuki." She looked up, but was still crying. "Y-Yes?" "I'm not ruining your plan. I'm helping you improve it." Mizuki instantly stopped crying. "Y-You are?!" Deus nodded. "Yes, I am. I'm just telling you to wait a bit longer. Then, you can continue with your plan." The childish teenager sniffed. "Really?" Deus assured her. "Yes." She pouted and pulled her pinky finger out. "Promise?" Deus sighed and slowly intertwined, or tried to, his long boney finger with Mizuki's. "Promise." She shot up. "Yay! Thank you!"

She woke up to two children poking their nose in a trashcan who will soon be a part of her life.


What do you think the kids will do? What do you think the kids' reaction was to hearing a laughing and crying trashcan? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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