Chapter 25

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1 months later...

MaeJin’s POV:-

Argh! That bitch is still there! And the worst part is, she’s pregnant!

Shit! I can’t let her have a child with him!

I have to do something to get rid of her and the baby without getting my hands dirty.

‘Yes! That’s it!’I clapped my hands when I got the perfect idea to get rid of JaeSoo.

Back to Minhyuk & JaeSoo~

Minhyuk’s POV:-

Somehow...I think there’s something bad going to happen to us.

I took a glance at the sleeping JaeSoo.

She changed me a lot.

And that changed made everybody’s impression towards me change from bad to good.

Thanks to her.

Now, she gives me the happiness that I’ve never had.

She’s pregnant with my child! And I can’t wait to see our little angel.

I caressed JaeSoo’s cheek and kissed it with love.

“I love you now, tomorrow and forever jagiya...And our baby.”I said and rubbed her little baby bump.

“Appa can’t wait to see you baby...”I chuckled slowly.

“Appa will protect you and umma with my life. I promise...”I continued and lay down beside JaeSoo and hugged her.

‘Saranghae~’I whispered to her.

She smiled in her sleep.

Next morning~

I open up my eyes and JaeSoo is not beside me.

I walked towards the bathroom cause I know she’s having her morning sickness.

“Gwenchana?”I asked her when she walk out the bathroom.

She nodded weakly and lay on the bed.

I hand her an orange for her to eat.

“Thanks.”she thanked me and eat the orange.

“I’m going to work today. Are you ok staying here alone?”I asked her.

“Yes. But, can I ask YooJin to come here?”she asked.

I nodded and smile.

“As long as you’re not alone.”I added.

“Gomawo oppa!”she said and called YooJin.

I smiled and walk towards the bathroom to take a bath.

After a while~

“Bye Jagiya~ See you tonight!”I wave at her inside the car.

“Bye oppa! Take care!”she wave back at me with a smile.

“You too!”I smiled and drove to Cube Headquarters.

JaeSoo’s POV:-

“You too!”he smiled and drove to work.

I walk back inside the house with a smile.

“Baby~What are we going to do today?I’m boring~Can you give me some ideas, sweety?”I ‘talk’ to the baby in my womb.

This baby is already 1 months old. I’m so happy when umma came last month and said that this baby will bring good luck to us.

Knock knock!

Give Me One ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora