Chapter 16

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Love Somebody

chapter 16

Harry's POV

Reagan and I met specifically on the fourteenth of November. I remember that date so well, only because it was the special day that my life would drastically change. All because of one girl named Reagan Clark. Not to be cliché or anything, but that's the truth.

It's been a little over a month since we met and it sure has been a bumpy road. A good one, nonetheless, but after many bickering sessions, teasing, and emotional breakdowns/tolls, I think Reagan and I have found our peace with one another.

She has no idea that I like her, at least I hope she hasn't figured it out yet, and she hasn't shown any signs that might suggest the thought of her liking me.

Tonight, Reagan will be coming over to meet a couple of my friends. She's already met Zayn and he seems to approve of her, so it's up to Louis and Eleanor. I have a few other friends, but they aren't that important to me.

They all know about her and my feelings towards her, and their approval is the thing that I need most right now in order to precede with my plan. I hope to tell her sooner or later that I've liked her for a while now, and all I can do is hope that Louis and Eleanor will give her a yes.

The doorbell to my apartment dings and I get up from the couch and open it. Louis and Eleanor casually walk in, mid-conversation, and sit down in the living room.

"Oh, hey guys," I slowly respond as I continue closing the door behind them.

Before I could shut it all the way, a small foot lodges it's way between the doorframe and the door itself. A head follows after and I find myself looking into Reagan's hazel eyes. I feel a smile creeping it's way onto my face and I quickly pull the door open so she could come in.

"How about that for an entrance?" She jokes.

We laugh with each other for a minute or two before we hear Louis clear his throat from the living room.

"Oh, sorry. Louis, Eleanor this is Reagan. Reagan, Louis and Eleanor," I said while leading her towards the couple.

The usual greetings were made before we all took a seat and began talking.


Louis seemed oddly uninterested, as did Eleanor throughout the whole time Reagan was here. They only replied with short sentences and very few words which was so unlike them because they both love to talk.

"Well, I gotta get going. Dylan has a match and he wants me to come," she explained. She rolled her eyes before continuing. "It was nice meeting you guys. Bye."

She quickly escaped the uncomfortable atmosphere and I shut the door behind her in disappointment.

"We don't like her," Louis and Eleanor simultaneously said.

My mouth dropped and my eyes widened. Never have they ever said those words to me about any girl I've had them meet.


"You heard us. We said we don't like her," Louis said again.

"Is this one of those situations where one of you doesn't want to be the oddball out and you'll agree with anything the other one said? Cause, if so, that's bullsh*t," I finished.

Eleanor snorted and placed her hand on Louis' leg, before he continued speaking.

"No, of course not."

"Then why don't you like her? I need a valid reason from both of you."

"She's too uptight and doesn't seem like the one who cares for people," Eleanor said.

"She's a little bitter and snarky for my liking," Louis added.

"You're exactly like her, Louis! And Eleanor, when I first met you, you were a little uptight as well," I retorted while throwing my hands up in the air.

"Okay, that's enough mate-"

"No, it's not. You guys don't know her like I do. Obviously you guys are scared of me getting into a relationship again."

"Look, I just don't think she's good for you, Harry," Louis said.

I let that sink in before a depressing feeling overwhelmed me. Maybe they're right... Maybe Reagan won't ever like me back, maybe I have no chance with her, maybe, just maybe, she's not the one I've been looking for.

"I'm sorry, mate..."

"No, it's fine. I just need some time to think," I said.


"I said, I need some time to think!" I shouted.

With that, Louis intertwined his fingers with Eleanor's and left my apartment.

'You and Reagan will never be like that' my conscience reminded me. A completely different emotion passed over me and I felt myself clenching my fists. My knuckles were white and I need to let loose the anger I'm starting to feel. And it needed to be let out now.

"GAH!" I screamed. My hand connected with the lamp beside the couch and I heard a satisfying, shattering noise before I realized what I did.

I examined my hand to find only a couple cuts and, most likely, a big bruise on the back of my hand that will surely be there in the morning. Getting the broom, I swept up the mess I made and disposed the glass before I crawled into bed to rest my confused mind.

Reagan's POV

After I left Harry's apartment, many different emotions overcame me. Sadness, anger, and confusion being the most noticeable ones.

I could tell by the way Louis and Eleanor talked that they didn't like me. One or two words to answer a question of mine and a sentence, if I was lucky. I was a little irritable at they way they were acting towards me, so I probably came off as stuck-up.

I was never one to have a good first impression on people, and I think I just ruined a little part of Harry and I's friendship. If his friends don't like me, then he will most likely drop our friendship and that's the last thing I want.

Even if I don't want to, I have to face the truth and admit to myself that I like him. His cheeky comebacks, that lopsided grin of his when he gets giddy, the way his brilliant white teeth show when he laughs, his curly hair and the dimple on his left cheek, and his amazing green eyes that leave you in a trance even after you break eye contact.

I haven't felt this way about a boy in forever and I've almost forgotten the feeling it gives you. The butterflies erupting in your stomach when he comes around, they way you can't stop smiling when he speaks to you, and when he hugs you and you smell his wonderful, musky cologne that surrounds you and you feel like you're on cloud nine.

It's pretty weird how much has changed since I've met that awkward, dorky boy who goes by Harry Styles. I've went to having no feelings at all towards no one but my one bestfriend, to having several emotions at once when I see a certain boy from a mile away and crying.

The only thing that's worrying me about liking Harry is when you begin to have feelings for someone, you get attached. And when you get attached, you become dependent on them and can't function without that person unless they're right beside you for a majority of the day.

I'm in for one hell of a roller coaster ride...

(AN: okay, things are gonna start speeding up. Several weeks are gonna go by, but don't be alarmed, it's part of what I had planned. There's also some big stuff coming up and by big I mean bigger than anything in the fanfic so far. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter because I sure had fun while writing it!

Don't forget to vote please:))

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