Chapter 8

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“What friends?” I ask baffled. I don’t have any friends other than Alex if you count him.

“Jess and Mikala,” Holley reply’s slightly confused as well. Suddenly it clicks into place. Howling with laughter I roll on the ground clutching my belly.

“They’re not my friends.” I manage to get it out before erupting into a whole new series of laughter.

“They’re not? Thank god this will be so much easier.” She sounder relived.

“Jessica Fitzpatrick and Mikala Collins are trying to kill you.” That penetrated my giggling fit.

“THEY WHAT?!” I nearly shriek. Suddenly lightning flashed across the sky illuminating the street across from us. They were there watching me and they had heard every word. As more lightning flashed I was feeling completely and utterly terrified. Suddenly we were surrounded by men. They came at us from all angles, punching banishing weapons and all the while Jess and Mikala were just standing there watching, not lifting a finger to help. Feeling arms wrap around my waist I struggled furiously but a rag was placed over me mouth. A foul smell seeped into my nostrils and I felt myself weaken. I fell into a dark abyss.

When I woke I was in a dark cell. I could feel the damp seeping in through the bricks chilling me to the bone. Looking around for a window I spot one at the far side of the room. Standing up I find that my legs are still really weak so I wobble over to the window and look out, but all I can see is the brick wall across the street. Sighing I turn and take in the cell. I can make out a small cot, metal table and a chair that with a closer look I see is bolted to the floor. Sighing I sit on the bed testing the springs when suddenly the door bursts open. Someone enters the cell with me and closes the door as the final rays of light vanish I am able to make out that me visitor is non-other than Amy Madams!

“Amy what are you doing here? Where have you been I haven’t seen you since my first day at school.” I say still in shock.

“Don’t call me Amy. You will address me as ma’am or Captain. I am the one who ordered you to be seized. Now tell me who are you really and where did you get the amulet?” Her tone was so cold that it chilled me to the bone. Startled I reply in an instant.

“My name is Jasmine Greenwood and I got the amulet from my grandmother when I was 5. Now tell me, who are you really and why did you kidnap me?” I ask in as cold a voice as I could. Amy’s gaze hardened.

“My name is Amy Madams and I am the second in charge of the organisation Death by Sleep.” She sounded so smug as she stated her position that all I could think of was punching her in the face. It took about 3 seconds for what she said to register in my mind.

“What’s Death by Sleep and who is in charge?” I demand. Glaring at me tone she explained,

“Death by Sleep is an organisation that has sworn an oath to protect the amulet and the bearer against all evil that may come their way. To answer you other question the leader of this organisation is Holley. She has never told us her last name. You were with her when we captured you.” She smirked at me expression.

“You didn’t really think that she was there to help you did you? Ha! She wouldn’t help you if you were the last person in the world. And as soon as everyone knows how she almost cost us the amulet I will be in charge.” She’s nuts I think as she laughs like a maniac. She is absolutely nuts. Suddenly it all clicks into place. Holley was tailing me to make sure that the Spirits didn’t get the amulet. But there was still the question of where I was.

“You’re in our headquarters.” Amy replies when I ask her.

“The headquarters are in a remote part of the country that no one will ever think to look in. you will be with us until Lady Imelda and Lord Daniel arrives. They will be the ones to decide what to do with you and Holley.” She sniffed once as if sniffing a bad smell before stalked out of the cell. Sighing I sat down to mull over my thoughts. Holley was the leader of a group that gave an oath to protect the amulet and the bearer which was me and I was locked in a cell waiting to find out if I was going to stay there for ever more. What fun I thought sarcastically. Tumbling onto the bed I found it actually quite soft and comfy. Almost instantly I was pulled into the dark void of sleep.

“Get up and follow me.” A voice demanded. Warily I lifted my head and looked at the figure above me. She had golden hair cut in a bob streaked with silver and a kind lined face. Her dress was pure black cut low at the back exposing her silky skin. She was wearing lacy black gloves that stopped just shy of her elbows. She wore black combat boots that looked like they didn’t belong with the outfit and yet it looked just right. She looked at me with the most peculiar expression. Suddenly she flung herself at me and started sobbing.

“You look so much like your mum; she was the best daughter in the world! Oh I’m sorry I’m babbling how embarrassing.” She suddenly stopped and looked at the shocked expression on my face.

“You don’t know do you? I’m your grandmother.” She smiled gently.

“My grandparents are dead. Sorry you must be mistaken.” I shrug apologetically. Startled I look up from where I was looking at my shoes to find that her eyes have misted over. She flung her arms around me and I froze. I used to hate it when people touch me but I grew out of it. It all came rushing back to me when her arms enclosed my body. Hearing her breathing into my hair I realise that she is talking to me.

“You never knew your mum she died when you were a little girl shortly after naming you. Despite everything you were put up for adoption. We wanted to keep you as we were your next of kin but they said that you would be safer being adopted by the guardians who protect us and the amulet. They knew everything and agreed to keep you safe by pretending that you were their kid so that you were never in danger. They allowed me to visit you every year if I was in disguise. I was the one to give you the amulet and told you to keep it safe under your shirt. I am your real grandmother, Jasmine. And I want you to come home with me.” She looked at me with such sadness and loneliness that I was at a loss of what to do. When the door opened suddenly I was so relieved that I nearly let it show on my face. From the look on the lady who is apparently my grandmother I was not as successful as I thought. Standing in the doorway was Holley with none-other than Jessica and Mikala. Looking at me they show their distaste by not even acknowledging my presence any more than need be. Holley looked at me still on the bed and then to the lady Imelda. She sighed and sat down next to me on the bed.

“Your probably wondering what is going on. Let me try and shed some light on it for you. You have been moved all over the world to ensure that you are as safe as possible while you are in charge of the amulet. There are people all over the world that are trying to gain the power that it contains and I’m not just talking about the Spirits, though they are our main threat at the moment. They are trying to gather their forces so that they have enough strength to fight us openly. And you are the thing that they want most of all. With the power of the amulet on their side they would be basically indestructible. We cannot let that happen. Therefore we have decided to keep you here until further notice. Of course you cannot stay in the dungeon. You will be taken up to your room. Follow me.” Nodding she walked out letting the ring of the door flow through the dungeon shaking me to the bone. Sighing I follow her. As I leave I can’t help thinking that I am never going back to the life that I used to live.

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