I swear if I didn't know Rebel was in love with Katherine. I would think he has a thing for Frankie. Obviously even if Frankie won't admit it to me she has a huge crush on him. Just weird to imagine them both together. My thoughts were disrupted when Rebel snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"What," I said and pushed his hand away.

"We have to get going." Before I left Frankie and I did our little handshake. We made it up when we first became friends. Frankie hugs Rebel and then we were on our way. While driving I kept changing the radio to entertain myself. 

There were no good songs so eventually I gave up and just stared out the window. We were going out of the main town to a more urban area. I seen like 7 huge farms during the drive. The drive was about twenty minutes long till we reached a house with stonework of various tones, it's principle story is build of tan brick banded with strips of nice fresh tiles.

Rebel parked the car, behind the others that beat us here. We walked to the door together and Rebel knocked on the door. The door opened by itself slowly and creepy.

"Hello?" I said waiting to see if someone will appear.

"Come in!" Someone yelled from inside the house.

 Rebel and I walked in slowly inspecting the house. Rebel closed the door behind us and we kept walking down the long entryway. The house must have been a fortune. I saw a maid cleaning the long slender white couches. Another coming our way with a platter of food. It had cheese, crackers, apples, and grapes. I saw another maid coming with a platter of donuts, chocolate, and cookies.

"Ooh I'm grabbing from that one," I speed-walked up to her and grabbed two sugary donuts. 

"Go to the library room. Master is waiting for you. Just go upstairs and its the right door," She said smiling happily to us.

"Umm thank you," I said. Rebel was walking up the stairs. Which were very nice stone stairs. Their walls were almost crystal-like. It was all a nice shade of red mixed with purple. Once we got to the top we went to the right door into this huge library. There were big bookcases which make up the walls, there gigantic lounge with big couches on both sides of the room. In the middle there was a large open space where everyone could stand.  

"Welcome Imogen." He said. I glance at some of books and took some out. I found a book on another special family with a treemap. I notice that Lucas's parents are on it while my family was in the middle of everyone's.

"Hi Imogen, nice to meet you." This red-haired fair skin lady came up to me. "I'm Kate, this my husband Sawyer and our the family." Her husband was blonde hair, man with tone broad chest who was helping his son unwrap a lollipop. Kate was so gorgeous, I envied the freckles upon her face.   

They also had a blonde haired daughter who seemed to have stole all her father's features. Both the children were dressed in fancy clothing while their parents were wearing t-shirts.

"You going to be our new leader?" Sawyer pointing at me laughing. "You like 13." 

Kate glared at him and nudged his stomach. "Sorry about him. He has no filter." 

"It's fine. I'm not sure about the leader thing," I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"The meeting is starting soon but for now I'll tell you everyone's names. Over there." She pointed at a short built man with a larger frame. His had brown short hair draped over his crystal blue eyes and on his nose layed his glasses. "That's Carter. He's the only left in his family line."

"And right next to him is Sebastian and Sun," she said, pointing at the younger couple beside him.

The man had dark skin matching his caramel-colored hair combed to the side. Sun was of asian descendant with her fair pale skin and skinner frame compared to her boyfriend. "Across from them is Jamie and Layla their sibling." 

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